Missionary Shary Frahm – Serving in Cambodia


“Beloved Days” (Mahal na Araw) ~

In Tagalog Lent is referred to as the ‘Beloved Days’ those 40 days just prior to Easter.

As you “give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (Ephesians 5:20 NLT) please consider how God would have you involved in the ministry to the 15 million people in Cambodia who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Your prayers plus your gifts will result in God’s mission to the unreached of Cambodia.

Soon, the Christian church in Cambodia and around the world will begin the celebration of Lent. While the secular world sees this as a preparation for Easter, it is a celebration of Christ’s resurrection and preparation for the second coming of Christ when He will judge us all. 2/3 of the world’s population does not know Christ as their salvation. Please pray for them, and help us to reach them as Christ commanded in Mark 16:15-16. If you are not currently a partner in this ministry and God has moved you to become one, please go to our web page, www.globallutheranoutreach.com/blog/frahm, and click on the giving icon. God provides for us in Cambodia through you, His people.

We do not know when the world as we know it will end, but we do know that each day, it is one day closer to the judgement. There are still people to be reached. We and Global Lutheran Outreach are dedicated to reaching the people of the world who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Help us to glorify God this Lenten season by witnessing to the people of Cambodia. Your prayers plus your gifts result in the ability to witness the Good News. On line giving can put us in Cambodia in 2015.



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