Missionary Shary Frahm – Serving in Cambodia


Open a Door

A young but wise 5 year old a few weeks ago makes a statement that travels Facebook and now could be tagged as a ministry platform to ‘grow the church.’

“Why does Oma and Opa have to go half way around the world to share Jesus when all they had to do is open their front door?”

So, that being said, a question posed to us Saturday was “how do we grow the church here in Cambodia?” by a young pastor.

I remember a song by Christian singer Pony Baldwin who hails from the MI area and a church we attended during our VISA ministry days. The song was titled “Open a Door.” From that song comes “We’ll tell the world how great you are” sits in my brain. ~ “That we plea and pray to our Father for wisdom, to help us to know, to whom we should speak, and where we should. go.”

So this is what we said in the course of conversation to him. That it’s our prayer and our plea to open our hearts and let Him in and share that heart around and to show those who stand with us how to ‘open a door’ ~ heart ~ as well.

Proverbs 4:23/Matthew 15:18 says it all (but I had to find this afterward as I’m not a walking Bible yet.)

This also brings out a long plethora of emotions for both of us being half way around the world btw. Some days are like that.



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