Missionaries Ted and Cassandra Fischer – Serving in Guatemala


Los Limones Ministry Development

week 26-29 boys sitting

A group of boys hanging out at youth group in Los Limones.

Los Limones is an impoverished rural community about 10 minutes from the city center of Gualan. Jobs and resources are scarce but the Gospel is thriving. It is currently a mission site of La Resurreccion, the Lutheran Church in Gualan. The mission there serves children, youth, and adults with Christian Education and Adult Bible classes weekly. The hope is to eventually turn the mission into a fully functional, self-reliant congregation. In our time here we have watched all of the programs, but most notably the adult program, expand rapidly. Thanks be to God! When we first arrived (February 2016), Adult Bible Class had a regular attendance of 5-10 adults. Six months later (August 2016), well over 100 people attend each class.

week 26-29 limones before week 26-29 limones after

        Sunday Bible class March 2016                            Sunday Bible class August 2016

The expansion is truly a blessing, but it creates a challenge: the mission is expanding beyond its means. The Lutheran congregation in Gualan uses part of its offering to fund the mission in Los Limones, but they are a small congregation. The people of Los Limones don’t have very many of their own resources to put into the mission either.  This is why we are calling upon our brothers and sisters back home to feed this growing ministry. Prayer is always the number one need. Pray that God would use this ministry to bring more and more people to a closer relationship with Him. Along with prayer, Los Limones would benefit from financial support. If you’d like to support the Los Limones mission you can do so by clicking the following link and donating to “Fischer – Los Limones”: http://globallutheranoutreach.com/support-fischer.html. Just put “Los Limones Ministry” in the comments section or in the memo of your check if you choose the mail-in option. The funds will be allocated accordingly.

week 26-29 baptism with ted week 26-29 baptized members

Even though there’s no church building yet, we just had our first Baptism service and welcomed 8 new members into the Body of Christ!

Here is a detailed list of needs that your contribution will be used to meet:

Chairs: We no longer have enough chairs to seat everyone! Our goal is to provide 200 chairs.

Target: $2,000

Electricity: There is currently no electricity at the mission location.

Target: $300

Sound: A sound system will greatly improve the ability to communicate with large groups.

Target: $1,000

Staff: 3 volunteers currently work the mission. They receive a small monthly stipend ($40-$50). We would like to increase that stipend so they can afford to dedicate more time to their work and also add one more worker for the growing needs of the mission.

Target: $2,000

Total:    $5,300

Any contributions over and above our goal will be used to meet other needs for expanding the mission.

Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of this growing ministry!



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