Valeria Bustamante: Serving the Lord in Uruguay

Meet Valeria Bustamante

Sharing God’s love in Uruguay


Diaconisa Valeria BustamanteBirthday:

November 29




By the grace of God, I have been serving in His Mission since I was a teenager in the Lutheran Church.

I began in the mission of the La Concordia congregation, in a deprived area of Greater Buenos Aires.

Then in Panama, I served with the ALCE Lutheran Foundation, engaging in activities with women, children, and community projects in rural and indigenous areas of Panama.

I trained in Theology at the Concordia Seminary in Argentina and graduated as a deaconess through the Diaconal Training Program.

Since 2010, I have been commissioned as a deaconess in Uruguay and Chile.

Following the 2010 earthquake, the Confessional Lutheran Church of Chile (ILC-Chile) commissioned me to accompany volunteer groups, marking the beginning of the Mission in Talca and Constitución.

From October 2010 to July 2019, I served as a deaconess in the Lutheran Church of Uruguay, supported by Missouri Synod’s World Missions, to establish the Mission-Center in Montevideo.

In September 2019, I returned to Chile to serve as a deaconess with the ILC-Chile in Valparaíso, and between 2021 and 2023, I taught Christian Formation classes at the Confessional Lutheran School of Valparaíso.

In all these places, my service has been especially focused on children and families through visits, Bible school, music in worship, and diaconal service activities.

I am returning to Uruguay to serve as a deaconess in the mission of the Lutheran Church of Uruguay. The gifts and abilities that God has given me in visitation, music, and education will help extend the mission in Chapicuy, Salto, and wherever God calls us to serve.


Click on this link to see a video greeting.




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