GLO Missionary Directory
Where We Are Working
(Point to/click a green dot (where serving) or blue dot (where from) to find out more about GLO missionaries. Orange dots mark where GLO Board members are from.)
Our Missionaries
- Globally: Jim and Liisa Tino (from USA)
Jim and Liisa Tino are experienced missionaries called to serve globally. Jim is an ordained pastor and Liisa is a teacher and music leader. Jim is also the founder of GLO and continues as its Director.Learn More
- Guinea: Tim and Beth Heiney (from USA)
By now, Tim and Beth know West Africa better than their home country (US)! Career missionaries of 30 years to Ghana and Guinea, they raised 4 children and adapted and adopted new cultures as God used them to help plant 100s of churches. They continue to serve with the Lutheran church of Guinea to reach the mostly-Muslim Maninka people. Learn More
- Tanzania: Dixon and Christiana Gbeanquoi (from Liberia/Nigeria)
A Lutheran from Liberia, Dixon fled civil war in his home country and as a refugee in Ghana was sent to Nigeria for evangelism and then theological training, where he also met and married Christiana. With newborn daughter Milcah, they serve their Savior as missionaries in Mwanza, Tanzania. Dixon is helping to plant and grown a mission congregation and Christy is helping start up a Lutheran secondary school. Learn More
- Cambodia: Shary Frahm (from USA)
George and Shary, after many years working in the US, entered mission service
internationally – first in Indonesia, then Cambodia with the LCMS. As the LCMS left Cambodia, the Frahms felt called to continue working with projects of the Lutheran church in Cambodia – offering training so church members can develop and prosper, and so also their churches and ministries. "As George has now been called home and has received his heavenly crown of standing somewhere at God’s right hand, I will continue to work with Pastor Chut Heang (Samuel) in those targeted areas of Siem Reap community development to help the local communities prosper into sustainable vibrant church bodies to share the Good News from within", Shary says.Learn More
- Guyana: Chimah and Success Francis (from Nigeria)
Rev. Chimah and his wife, Success, along with their two children, are preparing to serve as missionaries in Guyana. Chimah, a pastor in the Lutheran Church of Nigeria, has been in ministry for nearly 19 years, focusing on evangelism and missionary work. Success, a trained community health worker, supports his ministry while raising their family. They will be working in Guyana, along with the Rivas Juárez family, facing the challenges of that growing ministry requires. Learn More
- Cambodia: Joe and Viya Stoltenow (from USA/Cambodia)
Joe (form USA) and Viya (from Cambodia) met serving the street children in Battambang who are growing up in the most desperate of circumstances. Now married, they continue to share a deep commitment to help these children experience the love of Christ in tangible ways. With their supporters and partners, they are forming a new Lutheran ministry of caring in the city. Learn More
- Nigeria and globally: Dale and Cheryl Talsma (from USA)
More than anything, Dale and Cheryl want people to have life in all its fullness – now, and on to eternity. In a world where billions still live – and die – without Christ, they have dedicated their lives to sharing the love of Christ in Nigeria, Guatemala, and elsewhere. Cheri teaches at Hillcrest, an int'l Christian school in Nigeria and Dale assists GLO globally with international missionary development. Learn More
- Uganda: Amos and Evelyn Otula (from Kenya)
Rev. Amos Otula of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya has wanted to serve in missions since shortly after converting to Christianity from Buddhism. Together with Evelyn, a school teacher, and their 3 daughters, they are sent by the ELCK to bring the love of Christ and the blessings of the Gospel of life to South Sudanese refugees crowded in camps in northern Uganda. Learn More
- Globally: Brent and Eugenie Friedrichs (from USA and South Africa)
Brent and Eugenie (with sons Micah and Zander) have been serving their Lord in missions for many years. Brent was serving in Nigeria when he met Eugenie from South Africa. Using gifts as business manager (Brent) and video production specialist (Eugenie), they have supported missionaries primarily in Nigeria, but now globally with GLO. Learn More
- Venezuela: David and Luz María Ernst (from USA/Venezuela)
While many have been fleeing Venezuela as the economy crumbles, David (pastor) and Luz María (deaconess and native Venezuelan) remain steadfast in ministering the love of God in Christ where needs are many. They serve a congregation and a pre-school in La Caramuca, near Barinas. Learn More
- Guatemala: Benjamin and Scarlett Tino (from USA/Guatemala)
Ben is a gifted musician who has accepted the invitation to serve the Lutheran church in Zacapa, Guatemala and their surrounding mission stations. Besides giving lessons in various instruments, he also helps plan and lead music for worship. He's married to Scarlett, who serves as the coordinator for the church’s Sunday School and also assists the pastors as she is a deaconess. Learn More
- Chile: Adrián and Cruz María Ventura (from Venezuela)
Pastor Adrián and his family serve in the Lutheran Church "Divina Providencia", in Santiago de Chile, a congregation composed mostly of Venezuelan immigrants. Before the call to Santiago, they served in the coastal town of Constitución, where a tsunami damaged much of the city in 2010. They are sent from the Lutheran Church in Venezuela. Learn More
- Guyana: Víctor and Belén Rivas (from Guatemala)
Víctor Manuel Rivas and his family, from Guatemala, have been part of the “Christ the King” Lutheran Church since 2016. Víctor has attended since 1997, growing up and being confirmed there. He served as a youth leader for five years. His wife, Ana Belén Juárez Richter, joined before their marriage, supporting the music ministry and also serving as a youth leader. Their daughter, Sofía Elizabeth, born in 2017, joins them in all church activities. The family has been deeply involved in church life, supporting various ministries and events, inspired by Jesus’ words and God’s guidance. They pray for blessings on Guyana. Learn More
- Tanzania: Samuel and Mfon Udofia (from Nigeria)
Rev. Dr. Samuel Udofia, with his wife Mfon (Grace), has served his home church, the Lutheran Church of Nigeria, as President, Vice Pres., seminary lecturer, and pastor. While retired in Nigeria, they are still eager to serve the Lord, and will be helping to train pastors and evangelists in Tanzania at Nyakato Bible College. Learn More
- Central Asia: Alex and Diana, pseudonyms (from Central Asia)
Alex and Diana (not their real names), together with their children, proclaim the Gospel where Christians are very few in a majority Muslim population. With much zeal in spite of resistance, they are dedicated to share the love of Christ with people outside their home country who have not yet known what Christ has done for them. Alex is a pastor and evangelist, and Diana supports the outreach in many ways while homeschooling their children. Learn More
- Kenya: Heather and Nathan Pittman (from USA)
Heather and Nathan Pittman are returning to Africa to serve at Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya. Heather will teach K-5 music, and Nathan will provide tech support for the school and other Global Lutheran Outreach missionaries. Heather, a 4th generation missionary, and Nathan previously served in Jos, Nigeria. They are excited to continue their mission work in Africa, following a call from God. Nathan is passionate about computers and enjoys cooking, while Heather loves teaching music and leading worship. Their move to Kenya is a continuation of their family's legacy of missionary work spanning four generations. Learn More
- Uruguay: Valeria Bustamante (from Argentina)
Since her adolescence, Valeria Bustamante devoted herself to God's Mission in the Lutheran church. Initially in La Concordia, Buenos Aires, and then in Panama with the Lutheran Foundation ALCE. She trained in Theology at the Concordia Seminary in Argentina, graduating as a deaconess. Her work took her to Uruguay and Chile, where she responded to the call for help after the 2010 earthquake. Since then, her service has extended from Montevideo to Valparaíso, imparting teachings and accompanying communities. Now, she returns to Uruguay. Learn More
- Santiago Ministry Center (Chile)
A God-given opportunity! We made plans, but God had something else in mind! First, we planned to build a school for the handicapped as “Phase 3” of our Santiago ministry, starting in late 2017 or 2018. God wanted it done sooner, and provided a surprise grant this year! Construction on the classrooms has already begun! Learn More
- Wildfire Disaster Response Valparaíso (Chile)
In April 2014, a devasting wildfire swept through the heavily-populated cerros (hillsides) of Valparaiso, damaging or destroying over 5,000 homes. The Lutheran Church responded immediately, even while the fire was still burning, with material and spiritual assistance. Learn More
- Mwanza School Laboratory (Tanzania)
The Mwanza Lutheran Secondary School is a dream project of the East of Lake Victoria Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania. Their vision, begun in 2004, is to establish the first Lutheran high school in Mwanza. The purpose for establishing this school is to provide affordable and Christ-centered education to less-privileged Tanzanians, who will in turn contribute meaningfully to society and become role models in their communities and beyond. Learn More
- Venezuela Relief (Venezuela)
The country of Venezuela is in crisis. With inflation at over 700% in 2016 (and projected to reach 1500% in 2017), people are struggling to get enough food to eat. Basic existence in Venezuela is a daily challenge, whether it’s standing in line for hours to get food or medical care, or just walking in the streets and becoming a victim of rampant crime. Learn More
- Jardín de Esperanza (Garden of Hope)
The Jardín de Esperanza or "Garden of Hope," is just that. It is an orphanage that gives hopes to children that have been affected by HIV or AIDS. Not all of the children have been affected by the virus, but their families have. Those who do not have AIDS have lost their parents or their family can no longer care for them. Currently the orphanage is home to 11 children from the ages of 3 to 15 years old. Learn More
- Casa Betesda (Bethesda House)
The Casa Bethesda seeks to be the Christ of Bethesda to those who suffer disabilities. We do this by walking together for the inclusion, rehabilitation, recreation, and improvement in the capacity for accomplishing daily tasks of disabled people or people with nuero-motor difficulties in whatever stage of life. Learn More
Our Projects