Valeria Bustamante: Serving the Lord in Uruguay


Pray for:

  • Deaconess Valeria Bustamante, that God may sustain and strengthen her to serve faithfully in the Mission in Uruguay.
  • The mission in Salto-Chapicuy in Uruguay, the mission in Montevideo (Centro and Prado), the Mission in eastern Uruguay, that they may always be strengthened in faith and serve in the love of Jesus to the family, neighbors, and the community.
  • The church’s projects to serve children and youth, families, and people in their needs both physically and spiritually.
  • The pastors and missionaries in Uruguay, that they may be sustained by God to care for and strengthen the congregations and missions with what God provides in His Word and sacraments.
  • Families, that they may live in the vocation to which God has called them.
  • Brothers and sisters in the faith who have moved, that the church may continue to care for them and continue expanding the mission.
  • The needs of sister churches (Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Chile…), that they may see and serve in the neighborhood, sector, and city where God has called them to serve.
  • The lives affected and impacted by the floods in Uruguay, Brazil, and Argentina. That the churches in the region may respond to the needs and that God may open doors to bring His Word in this time of suffering.


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