Missionaries Dixon and Christiana Gbeanquoi – Serving in Tanzania


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Dixon with Wycliffe missionaries Zachariah and Christiana Yoder, and Mike Reuck.


The Gbeanquois and their Families in Nigeria, including their late son Ethan.

The Gbeanquois and their Families in Nigeria, including their late son Ethan.

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Christiana and her students


The Gbeanquois in Liberia.

With-inlaws (640x480)

The Gbeanquois with Christiana Parents!

Before-D-crowd (480x640)

The Gbeanquois during their wedding in April of 2011.

Christiana and her students after a successful Academic year 2013

Christiana and her students at her Former school.

Great-Day (640x480)

Dixon and Christiana during their wedding with officiating Ministers/Pastors.

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Christiana and members of her class leadership.

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Christiana with Nursery kids in her resent school.

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