
Big news Ben!

From Global Lutheran Outreach missionarie Ben Tino (Serving in Zacapa, Guatemala):

Singing in the New Year

I love what I do. And I hope this picture can explain why. Playing an instrument is one of my favorite things to do, It is something that I must do everyday. But teaching others to play and to have that same joy and passion, is ever so more rewarding. And above all, teaching them to use their gifts to serve in their church and be leaders is even more spectacular. I look forward to the one-on-one private lessons I have weekly with each student, and the group rehearsals held every Saturday. But that is what makes the learning fun and easy, keeping the students motivated to grow musically.


First music student, now member!
When I first started as a missionary in Zacapa I hung a big sign outside the church advertising music lessons. This was my idea of using music to evangelize to the community and introduce them to the Lutheran Church. I received a huge response just from that sign, getting up to 30 new students in one week! Eventually the sign came down and I settled with what I had.
With the “non-church” students I would ask them about church and invite them, but most of the students already had a home church. One of my students that began lessons that year was Doris. Doris came to me looking for singing lessons, and so we began lessons and started conversations about church. Little by little she began attending our services and slowly I started having her sing in church with the musicians. Fast forward 3 years and a handful of confirmation classes with Pastor Esdras and Doris is now a member of our church in Zacapa, and a leader of the growing music team. Thanks be to God!

December Trip
As stated in my December newsletter, I needed to step out of the country to renew my VISA, so I decided to visit my parents in Chile for Christmas/New Year. After long and complicated days of travel, I arrived December 26th at 2am in Chile, and returned to Guatemala on January 6th.



Pastor James Tino preaching in Zacapa
This past Sunday (Jan. 30th) Zacapa had a guest preacher, my father. You may ask why is my dad in Zacapa? Well because I am getting married this Friday, February 4th! Both my parents are in town, and two of my three sisters, plus 1 brother-in-law will be arriving this week to attend my wedding that will be happening in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. If you forgot, I will be marrying my girlfriend of 2 years, Scarlett Paz, daughter of the Lutheran pastor in Puerto Barrios, Byron Paz. After the wedding Scarlett will be joining me as a missionary in Zacapa, and we will serve as a team here growing the Lutheran church in Guatemala. Please pray for final wedding preparations this week, travel plans, and nerves!

In His service,

Click here to read the latest newsletter from Ben!



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