

March experiences on two continents

The Rivas serving in Guyana

Early in the morning of February 27, we arrived at GUYANA. As any move takes time to adapt to the new environment, to know how to move, where to buy things, how to interact with the new neighbors and even to the new climate of the place, we will be telling you how we are doing in all these things.

One of the challenges sofy had was adapting to school in Guyana, the first week was difficult because a different country, another language and even the weather, make her not want to be separated from us. It seemed like an excuse to go to kindergarten but now she is happy attending.

If you would like to read the details of their newsletter, click here

Tim and Beth Heiney serving in Guinea
Dear Friends,
This week the fasting month of Ramadan. Muslims all over the world will refrain from taking food or drink as
well as
unclean deeds or thoughts from sun up until sundown for the entire next month.
During this time they are to focus on Allah through prayer and reading of Quran.
Meanwhile Christians around the world use
this time to ask the Lord Jesus to reveal Himself to those who are truly seeking the Truth. Please be in prayer these next weeks for those to whom we minister here as well
as the millions that don’t know Jesus!

Click here if you would like to read all the details.



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Worth is the Lamb who was slain

From Global Lutheran Outreach missionaries David and Luz Maria Ernst (serving in La Curamuca, Venezuela ):

More medicine from Chile
On March 5, 2023, we began distribution of another shipment of non-prescription medicines made possible by Global Distribution of medicines. Outreach (GLO). During the initial years (2017-2020) of the GLO Venezuela Relief Project, many pharmaceutical companies had ceased operations in Venezuela, and local pharmacies had bare shelves. Volunteers collate the orders and prepare each shipment according to lists of needed prepared by participating Lutheran congregations in Venezuela. In addition to La Caramuca, medicines have been distributed in other locations, such as the cities of Barinas and Barquisimeto.

Luz Maria with deaconess student.New cycle of deaconess formation begins
Once again Luz Maria is mentoring women who aspire to be deaconesses in our national church. Many of them have served the church for years in works of mercy and Christian education.  The seminary has extended its deaconess training program to nine Latin American countries, but Venezuela continues to have the largest enrollment with 28 women.

Click here to read the latest newsletter from the Ernst!



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