Mid-quarter is done!
From Global Lutheran Outreach missionarie Joshua Wareham (Serving in Jos, Nigeria)
Educating Global Disciples of Christ
The first half of this quarter seemed to take a while. It had its up’s and its down’s. There was online school for a little bit because there was some unrest in Jos and with that came a 24 hour curfew. Many prayers were lifted and with those prayers the curfew has been lifted for a couple weeks now, and school had been back to normal! It is always great to be back in the classroom to teach and share Christ’s love!
Why Worry?
This past week I got very home sick. I was concerned that I wasn’t the best teacher that I could be. I was worried that I’m not going to be accepted into the seminary (I’m still waiting on that). I have had this problem for a while now, actually my whole life: worrying about the future. I think many people do this, but why do we worry, when the future hasn’t even happened? No one knows what will truly, actually happen, and what does it mean to “worry”?
I think one of the hardest things to do is to put your absolute, full trust in God. We seem to always want our will done and not His; and when our will doesn’t seem to be accomplishing anything, we start to worry. We want to think the world is in our hands and that God doesn’t have it in His. If we weren’t so infected with original sin which is, having no fear of God, no trust in God, and having the inclination to sin, I don’t think that the word “worry” would be a part of our vocabulary. We would trust and know God’s got it in his hands.
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