
Trials and testings

The Otula familyThe missionary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya, Rev. Amos Otula, together with his wife Evelyn, and their 4 daughters, have suffered many trials since accepting their missionary commission ─one affliction after another.


Why, O Lord? 

From not one – but two – eye surgeries, to their daughter in ICU almost dying, to surgery for Evelyn, to colon cancer for Amos with surgery and multiple (ongoing) rounds of chemotherapy, with further complications, to a dislocated knee, and several other health issues among the children.  These have been complicated by large medical bills that are way beyond their means and the little health insurance Eveylyn gets as a teacher. It has taken a toll on the family and the ability for the children to be consistent in school for payment of school fees.  On top of that, the family has been separated on opposite sides of the country due to Evelyn’s job placement. 

With one trial after another, as many persist in prayer for them, we know that this is not because God is sleeping or unconcerned about his children. No! Rather, we are directed to His Word:

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

Knowing Satan opposes God’s working to bring the Gospel to all people, one can see how this suffering could be intended to discourage and tempt them to abandon the call to Gospel ministry. How Satan would love to thwart the move of Lutherans in Kenya in sending their own missionaries to other countries! But what Satan means for evil, God turns for good — allowing the “testing of your faith” to develop perseverance, so that “you may be mature and complete”! 

Though tested, even questioning God through tears, Amos has not abandoned his faith and confidence that God is still unfailingly faithful. Amos has not ‘thrown in the towel’, but continues to trust himself and his family to God and his commitment to proclaiming the Gospel as the lost. But he and Evelyn and their daughters need our prayers.  And if anyone is willing and feels so led, the family needs help as they continue to struggle with paying medical and other bills, including another expensive surgery needed to correct a urinary problem resulting from the cancer surgery and treatments.  

If you would like to assist with their medical needs, please contact us:

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