The Soliz Incata family: Serving the Lord in Bolivia

Meet the Soliz Incata Family

Planting a Lutheran Church in Tarija, Bolivia


Familia Soliz Incata, misioneros de GLO

Birthdays and Dates of Birth:

Osmel: November 27
Yolanda: January 19
Caleb Matías: August 20, 2020
Jireh Zoe: September 9, 2022


Hello. I am Pastor Martin Osmel Soliz Bernal.

I was born into the “New Life” Evangelical Lutheran Church in the city of Potosí, Bolivia.

I was confirmed, married, and ordained in the same congregation.

I studied at Concordia Seminary in Argentina and completed my studies at the El Reformador Seminary in the Dominican Republic.

I served as a vicar and pastor in the LCMS Lutheran Mission in Peru for four years.

I am happily married to Yolanda Incata Fernández, and we have two children: Caleb Matías (3) and Jireh Zoe (1).

Currently, I am serving as a missionary pastor in the city of Tarija, Bolivia, since May 2023. We are planting a Lutheran church from scratch along with the Ueland family from Norway.

This year, our work has been focused on three objectives:

1) Exploring and researching the city (schools, hospitals, nearby neighborhoods, community leaders, etc.).

2) Making contacts and evangelizing through Bible studies and sharing the Gospel in the plaza, offering coffee and candies.

3) Teaching and discipling members through Bible studies and divine services.

We are doing this both in Tarija and in Villamontes (a province 4 hours away), where we have three member families with children.



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