We pray for the musicians in Zacapa, that they may work together as a team during rehearsals and church and may remember all that they have learned
We pray for our work here in Puerto Barrios, that we may approach each challenge and difficulty with the right attitude
We pray for the church leaders in Zacapa to continue to make the right decisions for the congregation
We pray for our circle of supporters to continue to grow as we add on more years to our ministry here in Guatemala
– For musical growth amongst the musicians now leading worship services in Zacapa
– For the newest members of the worship team in Zacapa, that they may continue to serve as well as complete their course to becoming church members
– For organization and participation by the Sunday school teachers in Zacapa
– That God my guide us during these next few months in concluding our work here in Zacapa and taking it to another Lutheran church in Guatemala
– Please keep us in your prayers for safe travels as we fly to FL and then drive north.
– Please keep the church musicians of Zacapa in your prayers, that they may be able to lead and play with confidence each Sunday for the following 10 weeks.
– And thank God for all the visa paperwork to finally be resolved. Even though it was a long wait for us, we know that this is all according to His plans.
We give thanks for the birth of our boy, and pray for his continued growth and Scarlett’s recovery.
We also rejoice in getting one step closer to visiting the states as we are in the last step of Scarlett’s visa process; awaiting her approved passport! So we pray that it may arrive soon.
We also pray for an easy process in acquiring US citizenship for Jaakko, as well as getting him a US and Guatemalan passport.
And we pray for our supporters who read, pray, and give. That God may provide them with generous hearts during this month of November.
– The entire country of Guatemala as they are experiencing political and social unrest.
– My music students as they continue to get better, and as we prepare special music for Reformation Day October 31.
– For Scarlett’s pregnancy to continue to be a smooth one until the end! Due date is still mid-November.
– For Scarlett’s final steps in this Visa process to go well, as she has just a few more tasks to complete.
– For our financial support to remain strong as we continue to serve in Zacapa.
I thank God that my students are advancing and becoming better church musicians. I try to participate in the music as little as possible on Sundays to make them grow more independent, and they did exceptionally well the one Sunday I was absent in July. We thank God for this growth.
And we pray for a steady and continued flow of our financial support as we stretch our absense of making a furlough visit. We really need to raise more support but we are trusting and praying that God will soon allow us to be able to visit congregations together, as a family.
As you might have concluded, there is more than a turkey in the oven for this thanksgiving… Yes, Scarlett and I are expecting our first child come November! We thank God for this blessing and we pray for continued health for Scarlett as she carries our baby.
Pray for my health and safety as well. Just in the first half of this year I have had several colds and physical injuries. Please keep me in your prayers.
We continue to pray for my students to grow musically and responsibly as they develop into more advanced studies and situations.
We also pray for the elections that will be held in Guatemala on June 25th. That God may place the right people to lead this country.
And lastly we pray for the paperwork process for Scarlett’s US visa to be approved, allowing us to travel together and visit you; our family, friends, and supporters!
Please pray with us this month for more kids to attend the Sunday school classes in the two villages we serve in.
Pray that my students may continue to gain confidence in their playing and God may reveal a leader amongst one of them to take charge.
Continue to pray for the long process we are in to obtain a visa for Scarlett to travel with me to the States.
And thank you for your continued support as we continue to do God’s work in Zacapa!
-For patience and wisdom as Scarlett prepares the church kids for two Christmas acts, and as I prepare the musicians to play the music for these plays.
-Praise be to God for a very successful VBS month, that the kids stay motivated to keep coming to church.
-For continued, strong financial support to keep us afloat during these next 6 months as we aim to go on furlough during summer 2023.
For upcoming VBS. That the kids and teachers show up!
For the youth to be able to attend their end of the year trip the first week of December.
For music students to keep growing and learning. That a leader may emerge amongst them.
For Christmas play and music preparations as I handle the music and Scarlett the play.
For my family as we mourn the passing of my Grampie this past October.
Please join us in prayer for Scarlett’s visa process to finish quickly. We are now in the “waiting game” phase, so as soon as we get the green light we will plan our trip to visit you. In the meantime, our support levels are dropping as I have not made any fundraising trips since July 2021, and we are hoping to do the next one together. Please pray for us the have sufficient funds to finish out the year, and that we may travel together very soon.
Please join us in prayer for my work with the musicians, to keep maturing and learning as musicians. And for Scarlett and her Sunday School teachers, that they may work as a team and see the value and importance of teaching Sunday school to the kids.
Please join us in prayer for our church activities this month, that it may be a joyous celebration for us in Zacapa.
-Advancing music students to become more comfortable leading music on Sundays .
-Sunday School programs to continue to grow in number and teachers.
-That the US visa process for Scarlett to move quickly.
-For our young marriage to continue to grow and remain Christ centered.
Our safety in Zacapa and Guatemala
Sunday School teachers to remain motivated and children to return to church
Our young marriage to remain healthy and strong
Scarlett’s visa process to go swiftly
For leadership to be developed amongst my students, and the number of singers to grow!
For my wedding preparations, Feb 4th, that they go slowly and the wedding is a success
For Scarlett and I as we transition to life as a couple and serve as missionaries together
Growing musicians in Zacapa to stay motivated and encouraged.
The members of the church in Zacapa to slowly begin worshipping in person again.
My travel plans to not be hindered by COVID restrictions as I need to step out of the country for VISA requirements.
Anyone hearing the call to serve as a missionary, that God may guide them.
1. For the musicians in Zacapa who are preparing special music for Reformation Sunday.
2. Members of the Lutheran Church in Zacapa to slowly come back to Sunday worship after so many months of being absent.
3. A note of praise for my 20+ students that are making great strides!
4. For sufficient funds to be able to purchase a vehicle this month.
– I pray for Guatemala and the 200 years of independence they will be celebrating. And that the country will unify and come to agreements to benefit all.
– I pray for the churches that will be going virtual this next month, especially the one in Zacapa. May this not hinder the faith of our members and role of the church in the community.
– I thank God for 6 new musicians in the church, and pray for the current ones to continue to practice and grow musically and spiritually.
– I pray for my marriage preparations with Scarlett as we look forward to a future together serving as missionaries.
– I pray for safe travels as I will be going to the states at the end of this month for a family wedding in Indiana.
Prayers for July 2021
I thank God for all of you who listened, talked and prayed for me, donated financially or with an instrument.
I pray for the young musicians in Zacapa to stay motivated and keep practicing.
I pray for the youth of our church in Zacapa that the group may grow and attend church regularly.
I pray for the members of the churches across Guatemala to not stray away because of the difficult times of this pandemic.
Prayer request May-July 2021
– For smooth travels both by air and road as I make my way to and around the United States
– For the musicians in Zacapa that will be leading the music during the 7 Sundays that I will be gone, that God may calm their nerves and give them the confidence to rise up to the challenge
– For the youth of the church in Zacapa to not stray away from the church but remain active and involved
Prayer request for March 2021
-Pray for my travel plans to the states this coming May to go smoothly
-Pray for continued growth in the new church musicians of Zacapa and the new hymnal to serve them well
-Pray for my safety and health that I may not sustain any other injuries this year
Prayer request for January 2021
– Pray for the caravans from Honduras crossing into Guatemala
– Pray for my broken foot and other health issues
– Pray for me to accomplish my 2021 goals with the musicians in Zacapa
– Pray for elections in the Lutheran church of Guatemala this coming month
Prayer request for December 2020
– Pray for all those in Guatemala that were affected by the hurricane. That the church may be a light in their darkness
– Pray for the political situation in Guatemala, that the people express their opinions in non violent manners
– Pray for my music students as they continue to grow and that soon Zacapa will have musicians of their own
-Pray for my VISA process as my current one expired and I am in the long process of getting a new one. Pray that the fine won’t be too much!
Prayer and Praise for October 2020
– We thank God for another school year coming to a close in Guatemala and especially for the 3 Lutheran Schools in this country.
– We pray for the reopening of the Lutheran churches in Guatemala scheduled for Nov. 1st.
– We pray for continued growth in my music students to one day lead church service on their own.
– We pray for the upcoming election in the USA and all those who govern.
– We thank God for my time here so far and the progress being made amongst a few obstacles.
Prayer request for August 2020
– Health and safety for those sick with covid-19
– For Guatemala as they begin re-opening the country
– The church in Zacapa to remain strong, members faithful, and musicians practicing during this pandemic
– Thank you for faithful donors that keep my ministry funded, and resources aplenty
Prayer request for July 2020
Prayer request for May 2020
-The government of Guatemala in making wise decisions in response to the virus, as they seem to not know what to do.
-My students to continue to practice and improve with the common goal of using that gift to serve the Lord.
-Myself to not get flustered by political and social disorder.
-Praise God for people like Franklin, who have learned the value of serving the Lord no matter what.
Prayer request for April 2020
Safety for all that are in danger of the recent coronavirus outbreak
Leaders of Guatemala to be wise in decision making
Praise for the progress my music students have made, and that they will not lose it during this time of inactivity nor become discouraged
Prayer request for February 2020
The growing music ministry in the church here in Zacapa
My personal health
Church elections held this month. That God will guide the proper people to fulfill good Christian leadership.
Prayer and praise request for December 2019
Praise God for another year of VBS this past month
Praise Him for an extremely successful National Youth Gathering in Guatemala
Pray for growing musicians to continue to learn and use their talents in the church
Pray for this Christmas season, and the new year to come
Prayer request for November 2019
Continued growth for my music students in Zacapa
For organization and cooperation as we prepare for VBS
For the musicians which I have been rehearsing with for the National youth gathering of Guatemala, that we would be prepared
For more people to come to know Christ through music
Safety for me in this country
Prayer request for September 2019
Continued musical growth in my students, that one day they will be able to use their gifts to serve Jesus
For patience and the constant reminder that I am working on God’s time
For travel preparations as I prepare to travel to the states in October
Prayer request for June 2019
The church of Zacapa to continue growing
The Lutheran school teachers of Guatemala
My music ministry here in Guatemala
Prayer request for May 2019
Continued growth and improvement in church musicians
“Small tasks” to lead to big opportunities
Patience when things move slow, and when they move fast
For all missionaries all over the world
Prayer requests for April 2019
-That I may lead others to Christ through music
– More members of the church to take interest in music and not to get discouraged by the learning process
-That I may be creative in my teaching
-Praise God for another year of life for me
Prayer requests for November 2019
– Continued growth in the youth at our church
– For me to connect with people that do not have a church home through my music classes
-GLO representative (Liisa Tino) who will be visiting me and fellow missionary Chloe here in Guatemala
-All Lutheran Churches in Guatemala as we prepare for the annual youth gathering held in December
Prayer request for October 2018
– Many new music lessons to start up
-Continued growth with current music students
-That I may keep finding ways to evangelize
– For the family of Edie Jorns, as Edie was called to her heavenly home this past month. Edie was one of the first Lutheran missionaries in Zacapa, was a tremendous supporter of Christian education here and in other countries, and started “Lead a Child” program to help educate the very poor children.
Prayer and Praise for September 2018
God’s protection around me and the people of Guatemala
Growth in the church and in the surrounding mission churches
Continuous participation in the youth group
Students learning music in the church
All the support I have received
Prayer and Praise for June 2018
-Thank God for my arrival in Zacapa and the work that has been done so far
– Praise Him for the wonderful work done by Holy Cross mission team
– Pray for my VISA app process to continue going smoothly
– Pray for my current transportation situation not to hinder my work
– Pray for people to continuously support my mission here in Zacapa
Prayer and praise request for April 2018
Prayer and Praise requests for February 2018
That I may not grow eager or anxious in my support discovery journey
People to continually support this mission
Praise God for keeping me safe and healthy while on the road
Praise God for all of you who have been praying for me and those who have contributed financially towards my mission
Safe travels as I log over 3000 miles to visit congregations in the northeast
Patience for the people of Zacapa as they await my arrival
For the remaining 60% of my deployment target be met by the end of February
Benny’s prayer request during Dec. 2017
Prayer request for Nov. 2017
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