Missionary Shary Frahm – Serving in Cambodia


A Life That Matters

A Life That Matters

On Saturday evenings, twice a month, we are meeting with a community small group to facilitate and discuss Ron Hutchcraft’s book, “A Life That Matters”. This is a book that talks about how we can have everything we want, but still yearn for more. It is a book about being sick and tired with the status quo, being filled, but not fulfilled. Some churches use this book as a preparation for short term missions because it talks about going beyond our own lives to do something valuable and memorable by serving others. Are you willing to partner with us in a life that matters?



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A Unique Chapel

Chapel Water Filter water filter pot Almost three weeks ago we had a unique opportunity to share time with students at Immanuel in Palatine in their weekly chapel. George tried to make a water filter out of a five gallon bucket and a clay pot.

A week after using this bucket and flower pot to talk about clean drinking water, we heard two young students state, “Are you coming to chapel again today? We hope so!”

It’s nice to receive such comments and know that you are making a difference in the lives of young men and women. Children are always honest, some times brutally so, but when they ask if you are coming back, you know that you were heard. Even better is when parents stop you and tell you that their child came home and excitedly explained clean water in a province in Cambodia where 78% of the province lacks good drinking water at one time of the year or another.



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A Message from the Local Church

Early this morning came the following message from Pastor Vannarith and the local church in Cambodia. Pastor Vannarith has been in the US since September 9th to be a part of a group in the WI area and learn more about a pilot program to equip deaconesses in the community with solid teaching to reach children with special needs and the elderly at risk. We met up with Pastor Vannarith at the time of his arrival in Milwaukee on September 9th. He returned home to Cambodia over the weekend.

“Good Morning George and Shary. Thank you for the great time to see you in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.”

“As ELCC (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia) longs to have you come over to be a part of our missions in Cambodia.”

“You two are the great resource for us and may the Lord lead you both to be part of his missions work in Cambodia. I pray the Lord will provide all your need to be in Cambodia work with us.”

“Blessings to you both in love from me and the Lord.”



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Partnership in the Gospel across the pond

One of our global partners, Trinity Lutheran Church, of Memphis, TN sent a team to work with us in Cambodia in the fall of 2012. Pastor Samuel and the village of Snor were chosen for them to work with. From that has come our combined partnership with the Church in Snor (pronounced “Schnow”), just outside of Siem Reap.

Pastor Chut Samuel was charged by the Church to develop a mission in this rural village of around 800 in early 2011, and has gathered the community around the local school building and water filtration barrels in order to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of this village.

Trinity Lutheran Church continues to partner with the village of Snor thru Global Lutheran Outreach and our presence and partnership with this community in Snor.

For more information please visit:



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God’s Mission in Cambodia



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Gracious Hosts

DSC_0079 Drinking coconut water right from the tree and talking about Living Water in Chhouk District of Kampot Province. Name two things that missionaries love to do. What a great feeling to have the opportunity to share time and God’s passion.

It was a hot dry season day when we went to see Pastor Nop Sean and a four of his associates. These were very influential men in this community, and they were looking for help in spreading the gospel. Gospelizing is what they called it.

They were also perfect hosts. In the United States, as a meeting is called to order it is very normal to offer the guests a cup of coffee or maybe tea. In Cambodia, hosts normally offer a bottle of drinking water.

But it is a special occasion when hosts can offer something more. Chhouk District is the coconut growing region of Cambodia where farmers climb the trees to pick the green coconuts filled with coconut water. A large green coconut holds between a pint and a half and a quart of the sweet liquid. It was only minutes before that the coconut I was drinking from was hanging high above my head. The congregation elder in attendance chopped off the top of the fruit in front of me and inserted the straw, just as shown in the picture. Oh, heaven.

As for speaking about heaven, that was the topic of our meeting, and these men were willing to spend hours, moving with the shade and working through a translator to discuss how we could work together.




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Eight Great Questions For All of Us

  1. Who am I? ~ What can I learn about myself?
  2. Who is God? ~ How can my understanding of God grow?
  3. Who are we? ~ What can I learn about community and the church?
  4. What is the impact of culture on faith? ~ How can I see life and the gospel differently because of what I’ve experienced?
  5. What’s wrong with the world? ~ What can I learn about justice, poverty and the causes of suffering?
  6. What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? ~ What can I learn about discipleship?
  7. What’s of value? ~ What can I learn about my lifestyle?
  8. Where am I going? ~ What might God call me to be and to do as a result of this experience? What can I learn about my vocation?                              (Mission workbook by Tim Dearborn/IV Press)


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