Missionary Shary Frahm – Serving in Cambodia


The Flag

Cambodian Fact – The Cambodian flag is the only national flag to have the picture of a building on it. The building shown is the main temple from Angkor Wat, a World Heritage site.

Angkor Wat is the world’s largest religious site. It initially started out as a Hindu temple, but is now a part of the Buddhist religion.




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February 2015 Khmer Khronicle

 February 2015 Khmer Khronicle



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Moringa Oleifera

Cambodia is a country of two seasons, wet and dry. The rainy season can be extremely wet, but the dry season is equally as dry. It is a challenge for agriculture, but one of the plants that we are suggesting to the local farmers through their pastors is called the miracle tree, Moringa oleifera. Edible by either humans or animals, it grows quickly and is a real powerhouse of nutrients, it has a potential to be used for many purposes and be a profitable alternative crop to growing rice.Moringa



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“Beloved Days” (Mahal na Araw) ~

In Tagalog Lent is referred to as the ‘Beloved Days’ those 40 days just prior to Easter.

As you “give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (Ephesians 5:20 NLT) please consider how God would have you involved in the ministry to the 15 million people in Cambodia who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Your prayers plus your gifts will result in God’s mission to the unreached of Cambodia.

Soon, the Christian church in Cambodia and around the world will begin the celebration of Lent. While the secular world sees this as a preparation for Easter, it is a celebration of Christ’s resurrection and preparation for the second coming of Christ when He will judge us all. 2/3 of the world’s population does not know Christ as their salvation. Please pray for them, and help us to reach them as Christ commanded in Mark 16:15-16. If you are not currently a partner in this ministry and God has moved you to become one, please go to our web page, www.globallutheranoutreach.com/blog/frahm, and click on the giving icon. God provides for us in Cambodia through you, His people.

We do not know when the world as we know it will end, but we do know that each day, it is one day closer to the judgement. There are still people to be reached. We and Global Lutheran Outreach are dedicated to reaching the people of the world who do not know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Help us to glorify God this Lenten season by witnessing to the people of Cambodia. Your prayers plus your gifts result in the ability to witness the Good News. On line giving can put us in Cambodia in 2015.



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January 2015 Khmer Khronicle

January 2015 Khmer Khronicle



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Dragon Special

Dragon FruitHave you ever had dragon fruit? Sometimes we get hungry for some of these Asian fruits that are not native nor common in this country and have to be flown in.

We had been desiring some of the fresh dragon fruit grown in Cambodia for a while. Our daughter brought us one that had been imported, and it was perfectly ripe. This one had the black seeds in the white flesh surrounded with a pink skin and some green leaves. It still tasted wonderful. (there is also a red flesh version but to have one of those means you must take care not to stain anything as you prepare it. The red is a perfect temporary dye).

Yummy !



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From A Single Branch

Christmas Cactus 2015Today I posted a photo of a gorgeous blooming of a Christmas cactus that not so many years ago was just a single twig of sorts rescued from a huge dying plant that had been nurtured by George’s parents for more years than I can remember now. Each year just before the blossoms would come out Dad would carefully bring it from the upstairs back bedroom where it had been sitting to a strategic place in the living room to enjoy over the holidays when its heart would show forth beautiful blooms in all its beauty. After dad went to his eternal home, one of the guys would continue to do it for mom for years thereafter. Then mom joined dad one day and the cactus sat where it had last been put.

Somehow it survived until we returned from Indonesia and it was found still sitting in the same place it had been each and every year when not in season. This time though, only one branch showed a remote sign of life that clung on. I would like to think it was meant for us to have to carry on to a new home.

Fast forwarding to today, some 4 1/2 years later and this is what has become of that single branch. It has multiplied many times over in just this short span of time. Amazing isn’t it?

George and I would like to dream that this is how God’s ministry in Cambodia will also grow. Somewhere in many little villages and settlements in the countryside right now are nestled Godly men and women, perhaps in many areas only one or two, who have become the barefoot Christians in their area, going house by house, person by person, sharing the love of their God the Father and the salvation of Jesus Christ and eternal life granted to each whom come to that knowledge and accept that gift. They are that single branch sent forth into their world.

As I close my eyes, I see that branch standing strong in the faith and knowledge of their Father, passionate to reach out and brilliantly shine, and grow the church (people) into an even better, stronger, beautiful example of how God’s family can grow given the opportunity of discipling by those who already know.

We are commanded to go forth and make disciples of all people and nations. It says that in the bible. Each one of us are a branch, strong and brilliantly shining into the world, just like this cactus is doing at the moment. In a while the plant will shed its blossoms for sure, but the plant will grow and grow and grow and in another year it will be bigger, stronger, and even more beautiful.

Remember this whole plant began as one branch. Each one of us is a single branch as well standing strong for our Father. We have possibilities, just like this plant. Let’s all grow and shine for Him, just as this plant is doing now.

Isaiah 60:21-22 “Your people shall all be righteous; they shall possess the land forever, the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I might be glorified. The least one shall become a clan, and the smallest one a mighty nation’ I am the LORD; in its time I will hasten it.



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Garuna Schools and Beyond

One of the key factors in community development is the development of education for the community. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia agrees with this philosophy and during the month of November in 2014 opened three new Garuna (grace, mercy, and compassion) schools in Kampot, Prey Veng, and Kampong Cham provinces. These schools will add one grade per year as student progress, giving the young people a Christian education as well as the skills to advance their communities and society. We are proud to be part of this effort.



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In the Countryside The Angels are Singing !

On Wednesday, November 12, 2014, Pastor Bun Sopheap baptized 58 young people in the Cheukk District of Kampot Province. This is the type of growth in the Christian church in Cambodia that makes Cambodia one of the biggest mission fields in the world today. Pastor Sopheap is a pastor with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia and is one our community development partners. Praise the Lord for Pastor Sopheap and his passion to grow the church in his rural community.



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End of Year Summary

End of Year Letter 2014-1



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