Eight Great Questions For All of Us

  1. Who am I? ~ What can I learn about myself?
  2. Who is God? ~ How can my understanding of God grow?
  3. Who are we? ~ What can I learn about community and the church?
  4. What is the impact of culture on faith? ~ How can I see life and the gospel differently because of what I’ve experienced?
  5. What’s wrong with the world? ~ What can I learn about justice, poverty and the causes of suffering?
  6. What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? ~ What can I learn about discipleship?
  7. What’s of value? ~ What can I learn about my lifestyle?
  8. Where am I going? ~ What might God call me to be and to do as a result of this experience? What can I learn about my vocation?                              (Mission workbook by Tim Dearborn/IV Press)


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