Missionary Shary Frahm – Serving in Cambodia


A Church in the Jungle

In the jungle we find a building. It stands quietly in the brush with the gentle breezes flowing thru the open barred windows and open doorways. This is where we find a small church group waiting for our arrival to hold service. A dirt floor brushed away of its leaves with the help of a ‘twig’ broom stands in the corner awaiting its need. It seems that this church group have come together many times in the past.

Today is a special day for this group as well as there are 13 baptisms on this day for Samuel and George to do.

1.jungle 2.broom 3.church 4.interior 5.exterior 6.church  7.nursery 8 offering 9. baptisms 10. baptism group 11. church family photoIMG_9347 IMG_9346 IMG_9269 IMG_9270 IMG_9275 IMG_9353 IMG_9356 IMG_9360 IMG_9370 IMG_9382 IMG_9387



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Returning To The ‘First’ Place

Sunday afternoon as we moved between locations in the villages we came upon this area. I was slow to come up to the area everyone else was heading, when all of a sudden I heard George say “Shary, you are going to remember this place very well.” At first I must admit it didn’t grab me. The main road was now paved, the area more advanced with homes scattered here and there, and not much foliage as I had remembered from five years ago. Yup, it was February 5, 2012 according to my photo info, when I came to this church, had to walk across ‘those sticks’ where is all began for us. This is where it all started for us to get to this point and this place today. After a bit of searching and digging into my old photos I found the info I was looking for. The first ones (2) show the old 2012 timeline, the others from Sunday. I was caught up in the moment, or a few moments for that matter. Wow!! Yup, the toilet hadn’t changed either. It was climbing up to the ‘throne’ no less. (Sorry no photo folks!)IMG_0130_2 IMG_0131_2 IMG_9405 IMG_9407 IMG_9408



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Khmer Khronicle February 2017

KK February 2017



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Photo Finish


Ten new baptisms, two of whom are infants. One is Samuel’s son Benjamin and the other is Samreich’s son Emmanuel. What a wonderful day.








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Baptismal Day!

IMG_9188This past Sunday was an exciting occasion to be able to worship with two of the three congregations that came together in Snor. In addition it was even more exciting for those who chose to be baptized on this day. It was a total of 10, two of them being infants, (one of them Pastor Samuel’s son Benjamin and the other Samreich’s son Emmanuel). Pastor Samuel and GeIMG_9154orge were the caretakers of this perfect moment these ten souls now redeemed in Christ. Amen!!!



IMG_9162More photos following this post !








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In the Village One More Time

Sorting through the photos and videos of our first church service, a coming together of two of three villages for the day. We started out our day about 8:15 am in a tuk tuk heading out to service and returned about 3:30 in the afternoon. As I sort thru it all I’ll send a few things to those of you who have not been here as yet or are following this journey to pray for this ministry. Thank you to our local partners for their loving care of us and embracing us into their daily lives as we serve our God together.
The video attached on the main fb page shows the before church singing led by the angelic voice of Pastor Samuel’s energetic wife. I was holding their son Benjamin while taking this and gratefully he was a patient 8 month old fellow at that point.




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A Community Comes Together to Love Us

The following is a overview of the morning with the Immanuel Lutheran Crystal Lake congregation. The group of individuals standing with us is our Sunday community group that has so embraced us and loved us while we have been here. We will miss them and these are the persons standing in photo two being recognized with us during the last service.


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At the Altar

‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ Joshua 1:9

Our grateful hearts are overwhelmed by the offering of this cross on Sunday by the congregation of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Crystal Lake, IL as they gathered around us to pray for our departure back to Cambodia.

Thank you so very much!

PS The Kids of the Kingdom shared two dozen of gorgeous red roses that were the altar flowers for the morning. Wow!


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How a Community Group Can Bless a Missionary couple

A few days ago I posted a pic of a huge poster carefully created and signed by the Kids of the Kingdom at Immanuel Lutheran School in Crystal Lake, IL. Along with these great kids, our /an Immanuel community group showered us with their special talents as well. I am sure we did not see all of these great loving acts of kindness showered on us throughout the morning, but they provided a warm environment from which God’s ministry in Cambodia could be presented. Handling not only the weekly coffee and light brunch table, they also posed for and were active in capturing so many moments throughout that morning and then allowing us to recognize them for their partnership to the congregation.
In the middle of the table just below the poster I put out here a few days ago was this gorgeous cake. I’m told it had a match to it that appeared upon the scene at just the right moment. Perfect!
Thank you to you, our community group, who has loved us, prayed for us, and welcomed us into their group, and are now sending us forward in love.





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The Power of a Cross

Last Sunday the youth of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Palatine under the loving encouragement of the Roe and Lazarri parents and Pastor Donald, held a fundraiser for God’s work in Cambodia. Thru the talented planning of the two families listed here, the youth offered homemade pocket crosses, cross necklaces, and prayer packs during their services to raise funds for Cambodia. Our grateful hearts are overjoyed with their partnership to share forward the gospel message and to pray for us. Thank you so very much for such a wonderful project. The crosses were perfectly made. Well done faithful servants!!




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