Missionary Shary Frahm – Serving in Cambodia


Settling In a Bit

Today is now Thursday for us here in Phnom Penh. Jet lag still hangs out with us, but its doable. We have a good bed to rest on. We have slept quite well for the last two nights.

As you pray for us, would you please read Luke 14:25-27. It is not easy to leave family and literally follow Christ as he has commanded, and both we and our family need your prayer in this regard. Each time we have had to leave our shores we thought we were prepared, but this time had to be the most challenging of all. Our grandchildren are older and they have voices, emotions, and opinions that speak.

We will be staying in the guest room for at least the next week. This will give us a secure place to sleep and a quick walk down one set of stairs to our office which we will spend some time today setting up.

Of course, one always looks for the changes that have occurred in your absence. The office is now 50% larger than when it was first contracted by LCMS. ELCC has taken over the house in which we originally lived and made it part of the office. The basic room configuration has not changed, but all the rooms are interconnected with new doors. Our office is almost exactly in the center of this new building, next to a new associate, John, and across the hall from President (Pastor) Vannarith. We still have more exploration to do in this building, but many things remain and many things have changed.

Across from our room on the same floor is our church where we are told the services are held each Sunday, with about 20-30 persons in attendance. This huge room had been the dormitory for pastors previously, but this is quite suitable for a church in itself, and also allows for growth in numbers.

We have taken two trips outside of the office and into the neighborhood where we live of Teuk Thla (Clear Water). With dark closing in, strangers do not stay out past dark, and we are no exception. But we did have a chance to walk down Northbridge Street toward Russian Boulevard. About half of the shops have gone out of business but been replaced with new businesses. Our major reason for taking this walk was to get something to eat before going to bed and shaking off the jet lag, since sleep was not easy on this trip.

We had a dinner of Fried Pho (Vietnamese noodles) at one of the newer restaurants that had just opened 6 months before we left the last time. The Northern Vina Cafe is owned by a Vietnamese Christian Family and has doubled in size from our last visit. The food was good then, and it was just the first night,  although the menu has expanded and the price of the original items has increased by 50%, but still very reasonable for two missionaries on a budget. Shary had pork with her noodles, and George had chicken. Both were very good, but a little salty with the soy sauce to eat on a daily basis. Next time,George will have to try the Pho’ or Vietnamese noodle soup. Last night he was not quite ready to take on the spicy chile sauce which really sets it off. Their homemade version of Siracha was always terrific. Additionally, we have seen the owner and he eagerly welcomed our return to Cambodia with a cup of iced coffee.IMG_2941

The first morning, we took our computers down to the office and when the internet was not functioning decided to walk around the corner to the local market where we used to purchase many items. We only had about a half hour, so we went straight to the corner where a women we call our ‘Little Fruit Lady’ greeted us with a huge smile. It has been 2 years since we last saw her, but she recognized us immediately. She had also added steamed pork buns to the the items she sells, so we purchased a bunch of the 4 inch Golden Bananas and two steamed pork buns. So breakfast cost us all of $1.63 for two of us, and the buns were very good! Actually, God is so good that he has preserved these things for us and we will again have the opportunity to witness to her. Her daughter had been in a Christian preschool when we were here before, and so with the family activities, she too has heard about Jesus already. Amen !

Pastor Vanarith has been called Thailand for this week, so we will not be able to get our full assignments until he returns. He has asked us to rest and get reacquainted and we intend to do that this week.



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God’s surprise for me tucked inside his sleeve

On our flight from Chicago to Doha Qatar, I had the opportunity to meet a gentleman who had been visiting his daughter in the US for the previous three weeks and was now on his way home to Saudi Arabia. He initiated the conversation and was very engaging, sharing his fatherly love and pride regarding his daughter’s accomplishments studying in Flint, MI. We stood in the galley area at the rear of the plane, giving us both some much needed change in positions on this long flight.


For those of you reading this at this time and place, perhaps not knowing that we have not only lived in MI the first 65 years of our lives, but we also started an international student ministry program at Saginaw Valley State University that has been in existence for over 20 years now and is still ministering to the needs of those students coming to our shores and in that midst many have come to accept Christ and have taken home that new found life with them.


Flint MI is the home of Kettering University and the University of Michigan Flint campus. (George is a grad of Kettering btw). Per a news brief yesterday they have over 700 students creating a mini United Nations of itself on campus. Not only do students receive a first class educational experience there, but they are also able to live there quite reasonably. Many of these students struggle with the high cost of living in the US to go to school here and their families sacrifice greatly to the end. Additionally, the very couple who started an initially ministry in Saginaw over some 20 years ago with us now live in the Flint area and are active and engaged with international students there.


So back to my conversation with this congenial man on the plane in the galley. He spoke with such kindness about his visit to his daughter who was studying at U of M. In the midst of our discussion he asked me (Shary) if I was a Christian. I nodded a response to him to which came back a response “Oh that is so wonderful to hear. My daughter has an American friend who is a Christian and she is so nice. I am really happy that she is such a good friend to my daughter.”


God is so good. Even at how many thousands of feet in the air He shows to us His plan and examples of how our servitude to glorify Him can multiple how many times over.


Yes this gentleman also asked and knew we were on our way to Cambodia. We did speak briefly about our roles here on the ground. He affirmed to me his resounding approval to where we were going and what we were going to do. I think he understood the greatness of our Father or at least was having glimpses of Him cross his path. he got excited when he spoke about it. Please pray that as time goes on this man is shown completely the whole picture so he too can enjoy eternal life with us with Him.





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We Have Arrived Home in Phnom Penh

Well, after being cooped up for 31 ½ hours in an airplane, we finally have arrived in Phnom Penh. The flights were relatively smooth flying from west to east through Doha, Qatar on the Persian Gulf where we had an opportunity to stretch our legs on a very lengthy layover. We also made a pit stop in Saigon to drop off passengers there, having a short hiccup as the staff tried to get the correct head count to leave the country.

We were met by the staff of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia and will temporarily be staying in the office guest room. The weather here is expected to be partly cloudy with a high of 91oF with a humidity of 58%. We had a heavy noisy thunderstorm last night and expect to see another tonight. The average rainfall for November in Phnom Penh is 5.5 inches as we end the wet season and proceed into the dry portion of the year. It doesn’t rain all day, but makes its appearance usually later in the day or during the night hours at a fairly fast downpour or two.

Thank you for prayers, encouraging notes, and standing with us in God’s ministry in Cambodia.



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Cambodian Fact ~ Interesting

Cambodian Fact – The current Constitutional King of Cambodia is Norodom Sihamoni. He is the son of the previous King, Norodom Sihanouk and his seventh wife. He is also the only current ruler that speaks Czech.



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Khmer Proverbs x2

Khmer Proverb – “When the water rises, the fish eat the ants, but when the water recedes, the ants eat the fish.” The American equivalent of this is “Every dog has its day.” The meaning is that we will all be successful at some point in our lives. Even though we may suffer here on earth, when we reach heaven, we will be rich.

Khmer Proverb – “When the elephants fight; the ants run for cover.” This is a proverb that seems to have been taken from the Swahili, “When elephants fight, the grass suffers.” It refers to the times when two very strong and opposing forces disagree that those not engaged in the fight should seek shelter, much like the refugees during the Khmer Rouge Genocide.



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Thru It All (From Palatine)

Last but not least on this Monday morning is acknowledging the congregation of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Palatine, IL, who have stood with us forever it seems as we had been first sent to Indonesia and then to Cambodia. This was also coupled with their Trunk and Treat festival later that day.

Pastor Tom brought forth the children of the congregation to talk with them (and the rest of us) about missionaries. They each got to shake our hands as we left the altar area.

A special thank you to Diana Broj and Lisa for their outstanding assistance on the sidelines whenever we needed their expertise and / or to bail us out.


Immanuel Palatine with the children October 25, 2015One lovely humorous note (and somewhat payback time also occurred at this point as well.) Many of you know that while we were in Indonesia many times I was called “Ibu George” rather than by my given name as was the culture there. While it took a while to get used to I didn’t mind it.

This very morning one of the children introduced us as “Mr. and Mrs. Shary Frahm.” I leaned over to George and said “Ah, payback time, huh ~ chuckle, chuckle.”


That comment was so priceless. Perfect !



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A Church Around the Corner (sort of)

Last weekend we were at Immanuel Lutheran Church Crystal Lake, IL.spending time with this very active church family who has so many times surprised us over these past two years. A grateful thank you to Laura Dykstra who connected us with Gerta, Norma, and Bob as well as Pastor Tieman and Kids of the Kingdom and so many others. Sunday evening we all gathered at Laura’s for a wonderful farm tour and time of fellowship. God is so good !IMG_2757 IMG_2762



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Dropping in ~ Trinity Lutheran Church Memphis TN

IMG_0003The last three weekends have been filled with blessing after blessing being in touch with people who are standing firm with us on God’s ministry in Cambodia. I’m taking a hiatus from packing and a long to do list to share a bit of time here the first thing on this Monday morning before my feet hit the ground running.

Three weeks ago we were in Memphis TN to share time with our son and daughter in law and very active 14 month old princess. We also had the opportunity to spend time with the congregation of Trinity Lutheran Church. This church is in the midst of some noticeable changes that are impacting the local community. This church dates back to 1855 and resides right down town next to the police building. Yet they minister to those whom God sends their way.

Our last Sunday found us at the Memphis Metal Museum on the Mississippi River for their 2nd annual church wide picnic. While they haven’t posted those pics yet (and I’m not good at taking selfies during church) I’m able to share a bit of the day here from my phone. Pastor Josh AndMelissa Hatcher on behalf of that congregation gave us a wonderful send off blessing.



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Khmer Khronicle October 2015

KK October 2015



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Cambodian Food Fact

There are no Starbucks or Golden Arches McDonalds in Cambodia at this time. There are two DQ (Dairy Queen) places, one at the airport and one along Sisoway Quay on the banks of the Mekong River in town. There is a place called Mike’s Burger. While you would say ‘that’s quite western’ let me assure you that the owner is a local Khmer guy who lived in NJ for a few years but then decided to return to his homeland and start this burger joint. It’s quite a hit with both the affluent locals and the expats because he serves the ‘real’ thing, that being an A&W root beer float. Mike orders a container of A&W root beer at a time and when it expires or he runs out of it, then he will order more. Of course he serves American style french fries, coney dogs, and hamburgers, all to ease the homesickness for those who yearn for a taste as this.



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