Out the Back Door
This was posted on my ELCC FB website back on January 6th. I had somehow neglected to also put it here, but because of a surprise last night I thought putting this out first was crucial for you all to realized how impacting our surprise last night was for us.
Most evenings we take a walk out the back of the commune, avoiding the gridlocked dust raised road that would normally take us out. More and more of the people who live here are extending greetings to us every time we venture that way. One time a passerby said (he was married to a khmer gal) said he’d never seen any foreigners in the area before and his wife had a business in the area. smile emoticon
Anyway, these ladies all hollered “hello” to us last night so we ventured toward them to talk, finding out that they were practicing ‘school’ with the gal in the orange on the right being the teacher. They all greeted us and told us their name. When I looked at the folder on the table I realized it was all in English and that she attended a school in the neighborhood called Milky Way School. Each girl had a reasonable level of English, but the 11 year old Koteia was very proficient at it already, indicating to us that this generation will march ahead much quicker than their counterparts in the villages where English is not so prevalent yet. She was beaming with her ability to talk with us so willingly. (and her english was very clear too.)
That is one reason the Garuna School project is so vital at this time with those children who aren’t in the big cities of Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Battambang, and Sihanoukville. They don’t have the same playing field that these students are exposed to. To us that is important to raise up Christian leaders for this country thru these initiatives.
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