By HIS Power…
I haven’t added anything to our blog for some time and still want to try and do better. Our lives have been in a bit of a topsy turvy for a bit now since Tim’s dad passed away in May. We have always believed that God’s timing is perfect in every way, but we’re happy to be getting back to the work here and excited to see what God has planned and will do.
In my personal bible study this morning I came across the verse in I Thessalonians that says, “For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, in the Holy Spirit, and with much assurance.” (I Thess. 1:5) I’m going to print that off and hang it right over my desk so that I see it every day. This is how we pray the gospel will come to the people here.
First of all in word. I’ve had so many people tell me that they just don’t feel comfortable sharing the Gospel. What if someone asks a question they can’t answer? What if their testimony is not “theologically correct?” What if they get tongue tied and mess up somehow?? These are all ideas from the pit. If Jesus means anything to you, you have a testimony. The gospel message is very simple and easy. If we focus on Jesus and Him alone and what He did there should be no problem there. Satan wants us to believe you have to have seminary training to share your faith; that you’re going to look foolish if you don’t have all the answers; that you’re not a good speaker, so you can’t do it. Nonsense. If someone asked you who your favorite football team was you’d probably not have any trouble expressing your feelings and explaining why. If you found out Walmart was giving away free TVs you’d have no trouble telling your friends and family about it. Why not the incredible story that Jesus loves you and died to take away your sins so you can live with Him forever? Simple words, simple testimony!
Second, in power. From where does that power come? From the Word. Some see the Bible as just another book. We might even see it as God’s inspired Word. But not often do we realize the power that is contained in the words there. God can take those words and through His Spirit, work miracles in people’s hearts! This is why we need to be studying, we need to know the word and what God says! Many Christians are biblically illiterate and therein is their fear of not having the words to speak. Be in the Word! Grasp that power and allow God to use it through you!!
Third, in the Holy Spirit. We pray that the Holy Spirit will sweep through this area, opening eyes and ears, and bringing the Good News of salvation to millions of men, women and children! Jesus described the Spirit as a “wind” that blows where it wishes. And there is that power again, the power of God to change lives! May it be so here among the Maninka people!
Finally, with assurance. God’s heart is for the lost. His desire is for all to be saved! We can have assurance that as we share Him, we are in His Will and He always “has our backs!” Our prayer since returning to Guinea has been that God will lead and show us what He has already started here. We believe God is going before us. We are just the instruments to do His will in this place. Look for what God is already doing and join in! He is at work everywhere!
Please pray for us and for the Maninka people, that the gospel will come in word, with power, in the Holy Spirit, and with assurance! And that many will know the promises of God and eternal life!
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