
The Pittmans: Officially in Kijabe!

In a new issue of their newsletter, Heather and Nathan Pittman, along with their son Jay, share their experiences after arriving in Kenya and starting their new life at the Rift Valley Academy (RVA) campus in Kijabe.

The Pittmans in Kenya“We arrived in the country on April 25th… We were met at the airport by Rich Finch (our host dad for RVA) and a great driver named Philip… We had been warned about some potential difficulties of getting all of our bags through the airport. Some people are hassled quite a bit by border control agents. Thankfully, they only checked a couple of our bags and we were on our way. We thank God for the quick trek through the airport, as we were all exhausted after spending almost 24 hours straight traveling,” they recount.

It’s interesting to read about how they were welcomed on campus: “RVA has a great system of pairing new, incoming families with a family who has lived at RVA for a while already.”

We invite you to read much more in their newsletter, which describes many details of the surrounding nature in their new home.



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