Missionaries Jim and Liisa Tino – serving globally

By ltino

Advent in Santiago, Chile



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advent 3

Pastor James leading our Advent worship, Sunday, December 13, 2015.

advent 5

Sharing breakfast as a family in Christ, the coming King!

advent 4

Emilio looks up to his big brother, Ignacio.

advent 7

This new family came with their 10 day old baby (in the covered stroller in the background)!

advent 9


advent 6

Fellowshiping around the “bread”..

advent 8

Pastor sharing with a Lutheran Hour contact, Nora.

advent 10

Boris reading during worship…

advent 11

Miriam shares with us…

advent 12

Pastor Cristian preaching.

advent 1

By ltino

Ciudad Satelite…new outreach!



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Ciudad Satelite 2 sm

Intro to the Bible class, “Hacia Una Nueva Vida”, in Ciudad Satelite mission post

Ciudad Satelite 3 sm

Pastor James & Pastor Cristian doing what they love…introducing people to Jesus!

Ciudad Satelite sm

This is what the rental space looked like BEFORE our volunteer missionaries spruced it up!

maipu shop ctr

The front of the shopping center of our new mission outreach center.

pesebre 1

Setting up the manger scene…

pesebre 5

This is a good way to attract people to our office and let them know what Christmas is all about!

maipu hunv

Learning how Christmas means Jesus enters into our world to bring us new life…

By ltino

Celebrating the “Fiestas Patrias” – Chile’s National Holidays



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The flag of Chile...

The flag of Chile…

Little huasa

Armando on keyboard, Fabricio is getting the church clapping before adding the bombo drum, Liisa on guitar and Mandy leading with her beautiful soprano voice

Armando on keyboard, Fabricio is getting the church clapping before adding the bombo drum, Liisa on guitar and Mandy leading with her beautiful soprano voice

Chilenidad worship 2

Afterwards we fellowshipped with empanadas and pizza!

Afterwards we fellowshipped with empanadas and pizza!

The children were happy to celebrate their "chilenidad"!

The children were happy to celebrate their “chilenidad”!

By jtino

National Lutheran Women’s Gathering



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worship space

worship space

background music

background music

Book sale

Book sale





closing worship

closing worship

closing worship

closing worship

cross on altar

Jim with the children

enjoying the music

enjoying the music

Ethel and Natanael

Ethel and Natanael

ladies singing

kitchen crew

kitchen crew

kids at work

kids at work

handicrafts for sale

handicrafts for sale

from the back

from the back

chef Fabricio

chef Fabricio

ladies Liisa and Armando



Leading the singing

Leading the singing

Liisa presenting

Liisa presenting

logo and theme

logo and theme

men at work

men at work

morning devotion

morning devotion



Eliana and Nory

Eliana and Nory

pastor Omar

pastor Omar

preparing the bells

preparing the bells

waiting to begin

waiting to begin

welcome packet

welcome packet

By ltino

Family Retreat



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Retiro 1 SM

Retiro 2 SM

retiro 3a SMRetiro 6 SM

retiro 6a SM

Retiro 7 SM

retiro 8a SMRetiro 9 SM

retiro 9a SM

Retiro 10 SMRetiro 13 SM

Retiro 14 SM

Retiro 15 SM

Retiro 16 SM

Retiro 17 SM

By ltino




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mothers 1Mother Maria Laura with newborn Anaclara mothers 4 mothers 5 Niños mothers day mothers 6 mothers 7 mothers 8 Nata w mom mothers 9 mothers 10 mothers day breakfast mothers 11Don Carlos reading his original "Ode to Mothers"

By ltino




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April 2014 the area of northern Chile around Iquique (ee-key-kay), was hit by an earthquake of 8.2, followed by many strong aftershocks for several days. The Lutheran church of Chile has been involved in bringing physical help and spiritual hope to many people in this area. A year later, we visited the area and here are some of the images….

On top of this "sand mountain" is the community o"Alto Hospicio" where the earthquake hit hard.

On top of this “sand mountain” is the community of “Alto Hospicio” where the earthquake hit hard.

Over 200 families are living in this camp made by the government..

Over 200 families are living in this camp made by the government..

There are rows and rows of little homes...

There are rows and rows of little homes…

Each house is this size...from the left window to the end of the wall.

Each house is this size…from the left window to the end of the wall.

We worshiped in the back yard of Elba, one of the contacts...

We worshiped in the back yard of Elba, one of the contacts…

Pastor Omar and Pastor James lead worship, taught from the Bible, answered questions and took lots of prayer requests.

Pastor Omar and Pastor James lead worship, taught from the Bible, answered questions and took lots of prayer requests.

Young and old were excited to be in God's presence!

Young and old were excited to be in God’s presence!

Iquique servicio 7

Iquique servicio 5

Liisa even got to play her cuatro!

By the end of service, there were more than 20 people gathered together!

By the end of service, there were more than 20 people gathered together!

Some of these people are hoping to get a small house or apartment like this.

Some of these people are hoping to get a small house or apartment like this.

Life is dry, tiring, and dirty like these cars!

Life is dry, tiring, and dirty like these cars!

Beyond the city is the Chilean Pacific..a reminder of the refreshment that we receive from Jesus, the true Water of Life.

Beyond the city is the Chilean Pacific..a reminder of the refreshment that we receive from Jesus, the Living Water.

Just a few more shots of God's beautiful nature...even in the desert!

Just a few more shots of God’s beautiful nature…even in the desert!

cactus 1

By ltino




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Elba & Valentin welcome you to our Easter celebation!

Elba & Valentin welcome you to our Easter celebration!

Easter 2

Pastor James leads the worship...

Pastor James leads the worship…

The choir sings...

The choir sings…

Pastor Cristian preaches...

Pastor Cristian preaches to a packed church!

Te bell choir even played!

The bell choir even played!



By ltino

Holy Week 2015 in Mision Santiago



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The children preparing to enter with PALMS...

The children preparing to enter with PALMS…

Palm Sun 2

"Rey de reyes, Señor de señores" KING OF KING AND LORD OF LORDS, sang the children!

“Rey de reyes, Señor de señores” KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, sang the children!

Palm Sun 4

Jueves Santo - Maundy Thursday service began outside of the worship center...

Jueves Santo – Maundy Thursday service began outside of the worship center…

We sang as before we entered the "Upper Room"...

We sang  before we entered the “Upper Room”…

Just as Jesus washed Peter's feet....we wash each other's.....

Just as Jesus washed Peter’s feet….we wash each other’s…..

Maundy Thurs 4Maundy Thurs 5

We worked in family groups to create stoles....

We worked in family groups to create stoles….

The white represents Jesus' cleansing through His sacrifice on the cross...

The white represents Jesus’ cleansing through His sacrifice on the cross…

Each person created symbols of the Redeemer  or the Last Supper to put on his or her stole.

All the families were busily working…some sleeping…

...to create symbols of the forgiveness we receive in Jesus!

…to create symbols of the forgiveness we receive in Jesus!

Good Friday morning the women went to ....

Good Friday morning the women went to ….

Miriams house

..Miriam’s house to learn how to make cinnamon rolls…

Learning how to make cinnamon rolls to shared at the Easter breakfast!

…for our Easter celebration!

Good Friday our worship ended in silence.

Good Friday our worship ended in silence.

By ltino

New Years in Valparaiso



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Valpo at New Years sm Adriana y Pastor J sm Arturo cantando sm Asadores sm Cena del 31 sm Cena sm Elizabeth, Leo y niños sm Ethel y Cristian sm Ignacio y Liisa sm Fireworks 2 sm Fireworks 5 sm