Missionaries Jim and Liisa Tino – serving globally




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JULY 12, 2024

  • We pray for all the young couples and families that are part of the congregation “Divina Providencia” in Santiago, Chile. In particular, we give thanks for the recent marriage of Genesis and Ivan and for the new baby born to Soldany and Luis. Bless them in their marriage commitment and in their role as Christian parents.
  • Divine Healer, we implore your mercies for Amos Otula (GLO missionary, Kenya) and Beverly Osier (Liisa’s aunt), both battling cancer. Comfort them in their pain and remind them that You are beside them in this valley of affliction. According to Your will, Lord, heal them.
  • Lord of the Universe, we place in your hands Rev. Samuel & Grace Udofia who have said yes to being your servants in Tanzania, but because of unexpected details, have not yet been able to deploy. Guide the members and leaders of their host diocese in Tanzania to get everything in place, according to your will and timing.
  • We praise You, Omniscient Teacher, for the successful Lutheran Educator’s Symposium in Guatemala. Bless and guide these teachers as they return to their classrooms and point their students to Jesus, the God of Truth. Bless all teachers in the United States during this vacation time and prepare them to begin another school year refreshed in God’s love.
  • All Glory to you, Almighty God, for the successful knee surgery for Shirley Mattson (Liisa’s mom). Bless her time of therapy and take away all pain that may keep her from returning to a “normal” way of life.
  • We praise you, Heavenly Father, for the new life granted to Caiden and Everett through the saving waters of Baptism. Bless and guide Gabriela & Daniel Sipp and Monique & Silas Jordan as they strive to parent their children with your wisdom and grace.
  • Thank you, God of Mission, for providing missionaries Nathan & Heather Pittman with special people to assist them during this time of adaptation to their new place of service at the Rift Valley Academy in Kenya. Guard over Nathan’s health and watch over baby Jay as his mom & dad use their gifts to serve You.
  • Lord of Love, shower your grace on Lauren (Jim’s niece) and Rick Stewert as they prepare to make their marriage vows in August. Bless their union in Christ with the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide them in joy, love and forgiveness.
  • We magnify your name, Father of the Nations, for the efforts of many sister Lutheran churches to send workers into foreign lands. We pray for upcoming GLO mission conferences in Paraguay and Guatemala. Raise up willing souls who are open to using their gifts in a different culture and/or language. Guide the national churches in supporting these brothers and sisters with prayers and finances.


JULY 17, 2020

  • Thank the Lord that the new apartment on the church property is finished!  The renters, Domenico and Corali, are moved in and set up to administrate the immigrant housing program.
  • We praise God for providing new jobs for almost all the individuals listed in the May prayers.  We continue to pray for our daughter, Sonrisa; that the Lord would lead her to the right job opportunity.
  • We ask God to comfort the family of Carlos, our “oldest member” at the mission, who recently passed on to glory.  May God’s Word which Jim shared at his funeral touch the hearts of his family and draw them to the Jesus’ saving grace.
  • Ask the Lord to make His direction clear as to the next steps for the mission “Divina Providencia” (our church).  With the pandemic still in full force, we are still under quarantine in Chile, and continue doing on-line services.  What’s next?  What ministry opportunities does God want us to pursue?  How will the church make it financially?
  • Pray for our upcoming trip to the United States…we have purchased airline tickets to attend our nieces wedding in NH, then to visit family and churches…Pastor Paul Brink and his wife, Barb, have volunteered to be our substitutes here in Chile while we’re gone…but is it going to happen?  Pray for us to understand God’s will!
  • We thank God for the completion of another shipment of medicine to Venezuela.  We praise Him for providing the financial support to purchase and send the thousands of medications; for the volunteers to package and prepare the boxes; for the courier service who, by the grace of God, will deliver this physical aid next week to over 20 Lutheran churches in Venezuela.
  • Ask God to protect all missionaries around the world and to direct us as to HOW to continue sharing the Gospel with the challenges and limitations of Covid-19.


MAY 16, 2020

  • So…In the middle of this pandemic, what is God doing in the world, in the impoverished countries, among the sick, among the wealthy, among the young families…in your heart? PRAY that God accomplishes good out of this seemingly unending “altered” reality.  Pray for Santiago, Chile as we have just been put on mandatory city-wide quarantine.
  • Thank the Lord that construction has begun on the new apartment at the Providencia Lutheran mission  site.  Pray that as roadblocks come up, the church will be able to go forward in ministry.
  • We praise God for weekly worship services and Bible studies being held  via live transmission from our house.  Pray for the 6 new people who are studying the catechism with Pastor Jim on-line.
  • Pray for Cesar, Domenico, Soldany, Giovanni, Jeferson, Fernando and others that have been laid-off or have completely lost their jobs due to the corona virus.  Keep tin your prayers the many immigrants that were struggling to adapt to new life in Chile and now have dire needs….that God will guard and protect them.
  • Continue to pray for the country of Venezuela where the quality and security of life continues to deteriorate.  Pray God’s blessing on the newest alottment of medicine which the GLO office Chile is currently organizing and preparing to send to Venezuela soon.
  • We praise God for giving us an answer to our prayers regarding a volunteer to cover for us when we are able to finally go on sabbatical in the USA.  Since covid-19 still clouds the future, we will “reveal” the name once plans are made concrete!  Thank you for praying.  God is good…all the time!


APRIL 25, 2020!

It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted specific prayer requests on this site!  We include prayer updates in our newsletter, but I am going to “reactivate” this spot to post current concerns and praises so that our supporters can actively participate in our lives…

  • PRAISE GOD that we now have 4 GRANDCHILDREN!  Brielle was born on October 22, 2019 to Soni & Tyler in Florida.  Pray that God would guide our children as they meet the challenges of being God-fearing, forgiving, loving and wise parents.
  • THANK God for His merciful healing of Natanael.  It was a VERY  long process, but God worked good through this time of trial and testing.  Please keep the whole Rautenberg family in your prayers as Pastor Crisitan accepted a call back to his home country of Argentina and this year relocated to the Buenos Aires area.  Pray for his wife, Ethel, and their 2 sons as they adjust to a different home, culture and ministry.
  • Praise the Lord for growing our mission plant in Providencia (a central section of Santiago) and providing a new house in which to carry on the multiple functions of this ministry.  We thank Him for the man power and materials to make improvements on this rental property so that we can house 10 people there. It is also the location of the church office and has space for  worship service, meetings and Bible studies.  Pray that God guides us in 1) building an apartment for additional renters 2) building a separate chapel in the backyard.
  • We are thankful that when the owners of our former rental house informed us that they were selling the property, God led us to a very nice house to rent  for Jim & I.  We currently live separate from the church and immigrant ministry.  We praise God for bringing us into the next chapter of church planting.
  • Pray that God will work in the hearts of future pastors/leaders who can continue this mission as we move into the next stages.  Pray specifically for a “substitute pastor” as we take a sabbatical this September.
  • We implore our Heavenly Father to be merciful on us as we deal with the challenges of Covid-19. We pray for those who have been affected by the virus and pray for the Divine Physician’s care of our loved ones.  We are thankful for the alternative ways to reach people through the internet, and look foward to the time when we can meet together again with brothers and sisters in Christ and be fed through the Sacrament.



  • Praise the Lord for a SECOND  grandson born on May 25, 2018.  Pray for God’s protection of our 3 grandchildren…KYLA, CALVIN, BRAXTON, and for God’s guidance as their parents raise these young ones in the knowledge of the Lord.
  • We pray fervently for Natanael, the son of our coworkers, Rev. Cristian and Ethel Rautenberg.  In April “Nata” had an operation to correct the alignment of the bones in his right leg.  Unfortunately, there have been complications in the recovery process and he has been in the hospital for about 3 months!  Pray that if it’s God will, He will heal him completely.  Pray for good doctors and nurses to attend to him.  And most of all, pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort and strengthen his mother and father as they carry this heavy burden.
  • Thank God that our new mission in the Providencia section of Santiago is celebrating its first anniversary this month with a growing membership!  Pray that God would lead us to a new rental property so that His church may continue to grow in just the right location.  Also, ask God to prepare the correct leadership to take our place when our mission service is complete.
  • Pray for the national church, the Iglesia Luterana Confesional de Chile, as it meets the challenges of running 2 schools, 3 established congregations, 5 mission points, a handicapped rehab center…with just 5 pastors!  Pray that God would send more workers and also guide the church’s decisions and strategies.
  • Remember our brothers and sisters of Venezuela every day in your prayers.  Pray for the many young people who choose to leave their homeland in search of  more options for the future.  Pray for those who stay in a country with mind-blowing inflation and dangerous security issues.  Pray for the efforts of GLO to send medicine from Chile to Venezuela, where it is nearly impossible to purchase both prescriptions and everyday pharmaceuticals.  Consider supporting this project by donating to our Venezuela Relief project

March 6, 2018

  • Thank you, Lord, for a new grandson!  We are very thankful for the health of our daughter, Gabriela, and new baby, Calvin, born on February 24.
  • We ask for the doctors’ wisdom and abilities as both our fathers are receiveing special medical attention this week in NH and Michigan.  Lord, be the ultimate Divine Doctor and if it is your will, restore their health.
  • Praise the Lord for resources to carry out our project “Medicine for Venezuela”.  Thank you for all the individuals in our mission congregation in Santiago who have helped to prepare the shipments.  Pray that thsi medical assistance will arrive quickly and completely to our brothers and sisters in Venezuela.
  • Pray that God would use our mission in Providencia as a beacon to draw people to the Hope, Truth, and Life found in Jesus Christ.
  • Thank God for the specialists who have assisted Sonrisa in her tricky pregnanacy.  Pray that the next 4 months will go smoothly and bring a beautiful new life into this world.
  • We pray for the GLO missionaries seeking financial support so they can follow God’s calling to the mission field; especially for our son, Benjamin, who has been called as a music director to Guatemala.  Pray that he will QUICKLY be able to join the church workers in that congregation and begin to train others in leading  in worship.
  • Pray for the students and teachers in Chile as they launch into a new school year.  Specifically pray for our Center for Handicapped youth, Casa Betesda, as we reach families who have special needs.



  • We praise God for our “team” of supporters who have been praying for the ministry in Chile…even though we have not updated this page for a while!!!
  • Thank God for new opportunities in Chile…”La Cruz de Cristo” church is strong enough to send Jim & Liisa to a new location to plant a second Santiago Lutheran Church.  We thank God for 2 families and 1 individual from the “mother” congregation who are joining us in this endeavor.  We thank Him for an awesome location to use as our “house church”.  We praise God for the monthly workshops we have been doing to reach new souls, and for an average attendance of 15 at Sunday worship.
  • We ask the Lord to guide and provide for Pastor Adrian Ventura who has arrived in Chile to form part of the team!  Pastor Adrian and his wife and 3 children immigrated fron Venezuela in September and are currently sharing our house until they have raised enough support to work in Constitucion, Chile.  Pray that God will lead them to the right people (and/or congregations) who will commit to supporting their ministry.
  • Praise God that the doors are open at Casa Betesda, rehabilitation center for handicapped youth!  Currently there are 5 individuals receiving therapy and support at our new facility.  Pray that the Lord raises the necessary support to grow the center so that we can help more individuals.
  • We thank the Lord for the 30 individuals who came to the showing of “Luther”, the movie, in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.  Pray that we will be able to reach more and more people in the center of Santiago with the clear, biblical message of Jesus.
  • We thank God for the opportunity to attend Liisa’s brother Luke’s wedding in Michigan at the end of October.  We are thankful for a time to reconnect and share special moments with family.
  • We pray for complete healing for our son-in-law, Daniel, who had knee surgery in September.
  • Pray for God’s wisdom in planning how we serve Him in minsitry and how we care for our family – children, grandchildren and parents.



  • We thank the Lord for a month in the USA reconnecting with our “mission support team”.  We visited a total of 6 congregations and participated in 3 different conferences.   We give thanks to YOU –those who support us with prayers and offerings.  But above all, we thank God for the privilege to serve in Chile.
  • Please pray for the pastoral mission team in Chile.  Due to a variety of events, there will soon be only 4 ordained pastors working on the field.  Pray that God would send more workers to this mission field, and also raise up more Chileans to study to become pastors.
  • Pray for our congregation in Santiago, “La Cruz de Cristo” as they grow and in number and in faith.  Pray that the church will be a place of comfort and service.
  • Thank the Lord for the progress on the construction of  “Centro Betesda” – our center for physically disabled young adults.  Pray that our congregation would continue in their commitment to give offerings that will allow the completion of this facility.
  • Pray for the many Venezuelan immigrants that are currently arriving to Chile. Pray that God would show us His will for welcoming them and supporting them in this time of transition.
  • We praise God for a fantastic international youth event in Brazil in the month of January. We thank God for protecting our group of about 30 on the long bus ride to and from Santa Catarina in southern Brazil and for the friendships made there with Lutheran youth from all over Latin America. Pray that our youth will now use their enthusiasm to grow the youth groups of Chile.



  • PRAISE GOD for a New Year, for a fresh start, for His faithful presence!
  • We praise the Lord for the 4 adults who have been confirmed in the last several months, and pray for the 4 others continuing to study in order to become members of “Cross of Christ” Lutheran church.
  • We are AMAZED at the progress God has caused to happen on our Centro Bethesda – school for severely handicapped youth.  Lord willing, its doors will open this year!  Pray that we would follow God’s direction in providing much needed attention to young adults with disabilities in our community.
  • We thank the Lord for donors who helped in purchasing the house we are using for Lutheran Hour Ministries.  We pray that God would provide the rest of the funding soon.
  • We are thankful for a great team of missionary families in Chile.  We remember the Lopez family as they recently relocated to serve in Panama.  We ask God’s mercy on each pastor and wife as they serve and His protection for the children.
  • Praise God for an eventful Christmas season!  We ask God to water the seeds that were sowed during our Children’s Christmas program in the plaza, during several special advent services and during our Ladies Christmas Coffee.
  • We thank God for protecting 2 little babies of the congregation, Emiliana and AnaClara, who recently suffered very serious accidents, but miraculously escaped unharmed.
  • We ask God to continue to heal our son-in-law, Tyler, who suffered serious injuries to his hand last year.  We pray that he will be able to find a suitable job and that God would bless his marriage to Sonrisa.
  • We praise God for our precious granddaughter, Kyla, and pray that God would guide Daniel & Gabi in becoming wonderful parents!
  • We ask God to keep Veronica healthy and academically strong as she faces the challenges of chiropractic studies.  And we thank Him for providing her with a job, an apartment, and a network of friends and family to support her.
  • We pray for God to guide and bless Ben in his semester of student teaching; that all will work out for his graduation in April.
  • We thank the Lord for the successful treatment of cancer for Jim’s dad, Dennis.
  • We pray to our merciful God for the families affected by the recent wildfires in Valparaiso.  Over 230 families lost their homes.  We pray specifically for the 6 families from our Lutheran school who are using the school facility for temporary housing.
  • LASTLY, we ask for God’s wisdom as to how to best serve Him in Chile.  Does He want us to focus on the immigrants – specifically, Venezuelans?  Or does He have another plan?



  • PRAISE THE LORD for an exciting transition into our new ministry property!  We thank Him for the beautiful worship area and all the new people who have been joining us on Sundays.
  • We thank God for the 5 new people studying catechism with Pastor Jim and Pastor Cristian.
  • We are grateful to the 2 volunteer mission teams that recently joined in the work in Chile.  A total of 13 brothers and sisters from Arizona, Illinois, Texas, Michigan and Wisconsin helped in a variety of ways. From teaching English classes, to renovating a Sunday School room, to leading workshops for local pastors, to making roof repairs, and leading an exciting “winter break vbs”.  They shared the love of Jesus with many!
  • We continue to pray for our son-in-law, Tyler, as he recovers from consequences of the blood clots he had at the end of April.  Pray for strength during this time of physical therapy and transition.
  • Ask God’s blessing on the new Bible study beginning this Sunday in “Ciudad Satelite” involving contacts from the Lutheran Hour web-page project.
  • Thank God for blessing us with the opportunity to begin building a school for handicapped youth on our property.  This project was in our future plans, but God seems to be bringing it into the forefront!
  • Pray for God’s guidance as we consider purchasing a house beside our new church for the use of “Lutheran Hour Ministries”.  We don’t know exactly how this will be accomplished, so we ask you to join us in praying boldly!
  • Lastly, pray for Daniel and Gabi as they await the birth of their baby (our granddaughter!!) in August!  Pray for a safe delivery and the health of the mother and this little one.



  • We thank God for the new people in our mission congregation who have been faithful in coming to work on the church construction site…rain or shine!  We are excited to officially move in during the next weeks!  (Check out the “Photos” page to see updates!)
  • Our Opening Service in “Los Quillayes” is scheduled for this coming Sunday afternoon!  Pray that all the necessary physical details are completed.  Pray that our invitations reach souls that have the seed of the Gospel already planted.  Pray that we’ll have an awesome attendance at this special inauguration/worship service!
  • Pray for our son-in-law, Ty.  He has been hospitalized with complications due to a circulatory problem.  Pray for strength for his mom who flew down from Atlanta, and for our daughter Soni as they try to get him the correct medical attention.
  • Keep the whole Michigan Tino family in your prayers…lots of troubles and challenges this month.
  • Thank God for Jim’s successful trip to Brazil.  As he spoke with leaders of the national church, there was a Spirit-driven excitement for joining in God’s mission.
  • We praise God for the new student missionary, Kenny Green, who will soon be serving in Montevideo, Uruguay!  Recently we spent time with the missionaries in Montevideo setting up the details for this new GLO missionary.  Pray for Kenny as he begins his fundraising and then language school.  Pray that God will prepare him for a great cross-cultural internship.
  • Continue to lift up in prayer the “Lutheran Hour Ministry” project.  The web-page is terrific!  It is a very interactive resource for the topic of “becoming an independent adult”. The last details of advertising need to be finalized. We pray that through this media project we will reach many young souls for Christ.


  • Thank you for praying for Ted & Cassie Fishcher, new missionaries in Guatemala.  They have completed language school and are now joining in the evangelistic ministry in Gualan, Guatemala.  Pray for their health and continued cultural adaptation.
  • Give thanks for over 50 people who were part of our Holy Week services here in Santiago.  Pray that God’s Word may take root, grow and flourish!
  • Pray for Pastor Jim as he travels to Brazil this week to share the missional vision of Global Lutheran Outreach.  Pray that the Lutheran Church of Brazil will be excited to plug in to God’s mission world-wide.
  • Give thanks that our daughter, Nika, has found an apartment and a good room mate as she continues her post-grad work in St. Louis.  Pray that she will be able to find a job that accommodates her vigorous studies!
  • Pray for a new family in our church that has moved here from Venezuela.  Pray for peace and happiness in their family and that  they will be able to get all their documents in order and find employment.
  • Join us in praising the Lord for the progress on our new ministry center in “Los Quillayes”.  April 24 is the date we have chosen for the inaugural worship service!  Pray that we are able to finish the necessary tasks in time!
  • Pray for a successful launching of the Lutheran Hour Media Project in April.  We boldly ask our Mighty Father to use this project to reach many young adults with the Gospel.


  • Thank God for the completion of the floor and ceiling of our new worship site in Los Quillayes.
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance as Pastor Jim works with the local director of the Lutheran Hour and a media specialist to develop a special outreach tool to be used in Santiago.  It is a very exciting project targeting youth and young adults via a cell phone app!
  • Thank the Lord for a productive 3 week visit to the USA.  We met many brothers & sisters in Christ who agreed to prayerfully support God’s mission in Chile.  We enjoyed time with our adult children as well!
  • Pray for our daughter, Gabriela and her husband, Daniel as they prepare to be parents!  We thank the Lord that our first grandchild will arrive in 2016!
  • We thank the Lord for a safe and quick GLO support trip Jim took to Guatemala ten days ago.  We ask you to join us in praying for our new missionaries, Ted & Cassie Fischer, as they adapt to a new culture, learn Spanish and prepare to serve in Gualan, Guatemala.



  • Praise God for all the progress made in Los Quillayes!  The new containers are in position.  Members have been working on the property to prepare it for our new ministry location.  Pray that the floor and ceiling for the worship area are completed soon so that, Lord willing, we may begin services in this new location in March.
  • Thank God for the group of 9 volunteers who came from Brazil during New Years.  They worked hard in Valparaiso at the new Lutheran community outreach center in the area wiped-out by fires in 2014.  See photo page for recent updates!
  • Pray for the continued therapy of coworkers son, Natanael, from his major surgery on both legs in April.  He is doing extremely well, but has a ways to go before he can stand up straight.  Pray for patience and strength for this 12 year old during the long, arduous process.
  • Pray for God’s traveling mercies on the many church families that are taking vacations during these months…for Pastor Cristian and his family as they drive to see family in Argentina.  For Jim & Liisa as we spend 3 weeks in the USA attending conferences, speaking at churches, and yes! – seeing most of our kids!
  • Thank the Lord for a great turn-out to our many Christmas activities.  We are also thankful for an enthusiastic response to a church family outing in January.  About 40 members and friends from the mission spent a Sunday in the mountains with devotionals, meals and fellowship.
  • Pray for church member, Alejandra and her 5 grandkids.  For reasons outside of our control,  the Chilean children’s social service has deemed it necessary to put the children in a state facility.  We are praying for the spiritual and emotional safety of these young ones, and that God will allow them to be reunited once again in a positive, Christian environment.




  • Thank the Lord for a beautiful wedding weekend in Phoenix last month.  Pray for the newlyweds, Gabriela and Daniel, as they learn to live and love as Christ loves the Church…sacrificially and unconditionally.
  • Praise God that the Lutheran mission in Santiago is moving forward towards occupying our property in the barrio “LosQuillayes”.  Pray that we will complete the phase of setting up 2 trailer-type containers for office and meeting space.
  • Pray for God’s Spirit to move in the hearts of the people in this new neighborhood so that Jesus, the Light of the World, begins to change to hearts and to grow God’s Church.
  • Pray for our many Christmas activities:  1) Children’s Service on Saturday, Dec 19 in Los Quillayes.  2) Children’s Service on Sunday, Dec 20 in Ciudad Satelite.  3) Christmas Eve service in La Florida…that even delinquent members will come and bring their family.   4) Women’s outreach Christmas Tea on Dec 27.  (Pray for our health and energy levels too!)
  • Thank the Lord that Liisa’s dad successfully completed a series of cancer treatments and is feeling fantastic!
  • Pray that God will move hearts of financial supporters so that we may have adequate funding to continue to serve in Chile.
  • Pray for Pastor Cristian and Jim and the 3 other Lutheran pastors here in Chile…that they may have wisdom and patience as they work on the many different projects of mercy and evangelism.



  • Praise God that our daughter, Nika, was able to have foot surgery last week.  Continue to pray for complete recovery from a shattered bone so that she will be able to resume her usual busy schedule!
  • Thank the Lord for the 50 women who came to the National Women’s Retreat in Santiago last Saturday (along with about 20 kids and babies too)!  Many hours of preparation were put into this day long event.   We thank God for the 8 men of our congregation who cooked and served and made the day special.
  • Pray for the Chilean Lutheran Women as they organize to be a a type of “LWML”.  Pray that God would bless their efforts to encourage and support mission work in Chile.
  • Pray for the 9 high school students who are taking an English class with Liisa.  Pray that there will be opportunities to share the Gospel, and that faith will be planted in the hearts of these teenagers.
  • Pray for the new believers continuing to study God’s Word:  Luisa and her daughter, Andrea; Luisa and her friend Cecilia.  We pray that their experience at the Women’s Retreat fans the flame of faith in their hearts.
  • We remember Brent Friedrichs, GLO director of missionary support, as his dad recently suffered a stroke.  Pray for his dad as he recuperates and begins therapy.



  • Join us in thanking God for miraculously working out the purchase of property in the “cerros” area of Valparaiso, where wildfires destroyed  thousands of homes a year ago.  The Lutheran church has been consistently reaching out  with God’s mercy to the many people who were affected.  Now, with some construction and extra effort, we will be able to have a permanent presence in this area!
  • We thank God for a successful trip for Liisa and 3 women from our church to the Women’s Conference in Argentina.  We were encouraged and inspired by this South American version of  LWML. Pray for the ladies in our church in Santiago as they form their own national women’s group and host a Chilean women’s retreat next month.
  • Pray for the two Lutheran schools we have in the province called “La Quinta Region”.  Currently, the government is making changes that adversely affect all private educational institutions.  These 2 schools have a dynamic ministry to hundred’s of families, but they are facing serious financial challenges and are fighting to keep their doors open.   We know God has a plan to keep this vital ministry going.
  • Pray for the many contacts that come through the Lutheran Hour Ministry here in Santiago.  Pray specifically for those who will be starting a new introduction to the Bible class in the next couple of weeks.




  • Thank the Lord that the land purchase for our new ministry center has been finalized!  Continue to pray for the members of our 2 mission sites in Santiago as they work together and make plans to build in this new location.
  • Praise God for Nata’s progress in the recuperation and physical therapy from major surgery.  Lord willing, during the month of July he may be allowed to put full weight on his legs and begin the process of walking.
  • We are thankful for a busy, but refreshing visit to the USA!  It was a blessing to visit with our kids and many other family and friends.  Jim preached at 11 services in 4 Sundays!   Pray that God will work in the hearts of the brothers and sisters we met to support  God’s awesome mission in Chile.
  • Pray that God would send rain to Chile!  We are experiencing an unusually dry winter season.  Pollution levels in the city are up as well as risk for wildfires.
  • Pray specifically for 2 new contacts that are studying the Bible with Pastor Jim:  Isabel, whose daughter was killed in a car crash just one month ago; and Luisa, who has a daughter with a very serious health problem.


  • We give all PRAISE & GLORY to our merciful Father for guiding the doctors who performed major surgery on our coworkers’ son, Nata, 18 days ago.  We also thank Him for Nata’s sweet spirit and patience as he has had to endure MANY DISCOMFORTS.  PLEASE PRAY that the healing will continue and by the end of the month he will be able to start physical therapy.  Also pray for strength – physical, emotional and spiritual- for his parents.
  • We thank God that Liisa’s father seems to be doing well with his radiation treatments.  Continue to pray for Edwin and all the medical people who diagnose and guide him through this process.  And, if it’s the Lord’s will, to give him 100% healing.
  • Pray for the mission efforts in Constitucion, Chile.  About 2 years ago the Liska family volunteered to serve in this tsunami-stricken area as GLO missionaries. They have recently moved back to Argentina and now a Chilean woman who lives in a city about 1 1/2 hours away has excepted the challenge to move into the church house and continue the evangelistic work.  Pray for this young Lutheran woman as she shines the Light of Jesus in Constitucion!
  • We have thankful hearts that our youngest son, Ben, is here visiting us in Santiago!  He is taking a month to learn about and enjoy Chile before he starts his summer job back in Miami. Pray that God would guide him in his studies and plans for the future.


  • Join us in thanking God for the new home Pastor Cristian and Ethel have moved into with their sons.  Church members helped with the move, and now the family is happily situated closer to church and schools.
  • Pray for the oldest son of this family, Nathanael, as he undergoes major surgery tomorrow, April 28.  Pray for peace and strength as the surgery will be correcting both of his legs, and the months of therapy following will be both expensive and exhausting.
  • We are thankful that progress continues on the new church property. A few more papers need to be signed for the purchase, but the men of the congregation have already had some clean-up days on the land!  Pray for wisdom as we meet with the architect and make plans for the best use of this space.
  • Pray for Liisa’s father, Edwin, as he begins a series of treatments for health issues.
  • We thank the Lord for successful and productive travels last month for Jim.  Pray for all our GLO missionaries around the world as they teach the Word and show Christ’s mercy wherever the Lord has placed them.  Find out more details by investigating this website!


  • Thank you for praying about our search for land to purchase for a ministry center here in Santiago, Chile.  We think we have found the spot!  PLEASE continue to pray that we are in God’s will.  Pray that all the pre-purchase tasks will confirm to us whether or not this is the place!
  • Pray for “Pablo’s Family”. They currently live in one of our rented houses in which we have a small mission gathering.  With the change in location, they will no longer have a “home”.  Pray for steady employment and guidance in their efforts to live “on their own”!
  • Pray for our daughter Nika, as she seeks to enter grad school.  Her goal to become a chiropractor is a big investment.  Pray for wisdom and support as she takes this big step.
  • Give thanks that Soni is now working full time as a Lutheran school teacher!
  • Pray for our co-workers, Pastor Cristian and Ethel, as they hunt for a new home to rent which will put them closer to their boys’ schools and the church.
  • Jim will be travelling to Paraguay and Uruguay at the end of this week.  Pray for his visit to GLO missionary, Sarah Burr- that she will be encouraged and supported in her service to the Lord in Asuncion. Then pray for his meeting with the various Lutheran agencies supporting work in Montevideo. AND pray that Jim stays safe and healthy during his travels!


  • Praise God for a month of blessings as we traveled to the USA for the ALMA conference and other work related issues.  We were thankful to spend time with all our kids and Liisa was blessed to see her family in NH as well.
  •  Thank the Lord that Liisa’s father, Edwin, has been given the go ahead to start treatment for cancer.  All test results thus far paint a hopeful picture!
  • Pray WITHOUT CEASING that we find a new physical location for our mission SOON!
  • “Summer Vacation” is coming to a close in Chile.  The new school year is about to start so it’s planning time.  Ask for God’s guidance as Pastor Jim & Pastor Cristian plan and direct the activities for outreach in Santiago, Chile.
  • Thank God for a successful post-graduate course in Urban Missions which Jim taught at a sister seminary in Sao Leopoldo, Brazil.  Pray for the students – pastors, teachers, church leaders – as they put their learning into practice throughout the many corners of the world!


  • Thank the Lord for smooth travels to and from our “Youth Gathering” in Misiones Province, Argentina.  God blessed us with fantastic views of His creation, good health, sultry summer weather, and awesome spiritual growth!
  • Pray that God continues to protect Pastor Cristian and his family as they vacation in Argentina.
  • Pray for property to purchase for our 2 mission stations in the greater Santiago area.  Pray that God leads us to just the right spot!
  • Continue to pray for Ed Mattson as he battles prostate cancer.
  • Thank God for Marcelo who has decided God is calling him to be a pastor.  Pray for him and his wife and daughter as they move to Argentina to study at the seminary in Buenos Aires.
  • Thank God for a chance for Jim & Liisa to meet up with “old friends” in Argentina during the Youth Gathering.
  • Pray for a God-pleasing, productive and inspiring conference of the  “Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies” (ALMA) January 29 – 30.




  • Praise God for bringing us safely into a New Year, in a new country, with the Good News!
  • Pray for Liisa’s father, Edwin Mattson, who was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.  Pray that continued testing would give the doctors the right information for treatment.  Pray that if it is God’s will, Ed would be healed.
  • Pray for travelling mercies as Jim & Liisa, Pastor Christian, and 2 other adults accompany 10 youth to the international youth conference in Argentina  tomorrow, Sunday.  Pray that the event would cause spiritual growth and unity among these future leaders of the church.
  • Thank God for the exciting news that daughter, Gabriela, is engaged to Daniel Sipp!



  • Give thanks for the miraculous healing of Cristobal’s kidney!
  • Pray for 11 year-old Natanael, son of coworkers Cristian & Ethel Rautenberg.  Lord willing, “Nata” is going to have reconstructive surgery on both hips and knees in April.  God has provided ALL THE FINANCING for this intensive and expensive surgery!  His mom and dad are very encouraged with the prospects of seeing their handicapped child able to stand straight up and develop more independence with increased mobility.
  • Pray for our Lutheran church as it seeks to combine 2 mission outposts into one vibrant Church. Thank God for providing the funding to purchase land!  Pray that He leads us to the best physical location.
  • Pray for guidance as the Lord uses us to reach out with hope to the city of over 5 million in Santiago.
  • Praise God that our kids – Soni (& husband Ty), Gabi (& fiance  Daniel), Nika, Ben – are thriving in the USA, despite our absence!!



  • Join us in praising the Lord that we now have enough financial support to head for Chile!
  • Pray for our daughter, Soni, and her fiance, Tyler, as they get ready to be married September 20, 2014!
  • Pray that all the details of shipping our boxes to Chile work out smoothly.
  • Pray in advance for the upcoming events that await us in Santiago, Chile.


7/8/14  Pray for wisdom that we can prioritize our tasks in the month of July, as we seek to pack and get rid of “stuff” in preparation of our move to Chile!

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