Missionary Adrian José Ventura Marín – Serving the Lord in Chile

Meet the Ventura Family


Meet the Ventura Family: Serving the Lord in Santiago, Chile

Adrián             February 14

Cruz María      March 16

Adrianny          April 9, 1996

Adrian Josué   October 21, 1997

Raquel             November 9, 1999

My name is Adrian José Ventura Marín. I was confirmed in 1983 at Cristo Rey (Christ the King) Lutheran church in Maturin, Venezuela in 1983. In March of 1996, I was called and ordained as pastor of that same congregation. My wife is Cruz María Islanda Aníbal. She is a professional teacher at Christ the King Lutheran school in Maturin. Our children, fruits of our marriage, are Adrianny, Adrian Josué y Raquel.

A large part of our lives as a family has been dedicated to the life of the church in Venezuela at the congregational, regional, and national levels. I served as president of the Lutheran Church of Venezuela (the national church body) two different times, from 1999 – 2001 and from 2004 – 2009. I have also served as a national vice-president, among other responsibilities. These experiences have given us the opportunity and the motivation to proclaim the Gospel in other regions of our continent. They have also helped us to better understand God’s purposes in moving many Venezuelans to immigrate to Chile, where they have gone in search of a better life.

We long to serve in the place where the Triune God takes us, as we recall His Word in the book of Jeremiah 29:11: “’I know the plans that I have for you’”, says the Lord, ‘Plans to prosper and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future.’” We trust and rely on those promises of our God who has revealed Himself to us through his son Jesus Christ.



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