Chloe Villagomez – Serving the Lord in Guatemala

By chloevillagomez

Past Trips

Me and Noe, one of the kids that attends the bible lessons in Xaya.

Me and Pablo at the school in Buena Vista.

Drinking fresh coconuts in Xaya!

Teaching the kids in VBS.

Team of nursing students and VBS team

Visiting Carlos on a house visit

George, an American that moved to Guatemala to open a home for boys on the street. They make these beautiful boxes.



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By chloevillagomez


One of my first adventures here in Xela was to “Blue Angel”, a cafe near Parque Central. Having never eaten or prepared móle before I was presently surprised to discover that I would get to learn hands on how to make this delicious meal. Móle is made of chocolate, sesame seeds, chili pepper, and peanuts. If you fry up some plantains and cover them in móle you will get one of the best dishes you’ve ever eaten.




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By chloevillagomez


Typical meal here in Xela. Rice, meat, corn, and potatoes.

A tasty treat from the local XelaPan that sells all kinds of breads and pastries.

This is hot chocolate made at Dona Pancha’s Chocolateria. The chocolate comes from cocoa trees that grown perfectly here in Xela because of the climate.

Fresh fruit dipped in chocolate-the best.

Pictures of inside of ICA, my language school.


I attended a cultural celebration where these girls reenacted Mayan history through dance. This is typical clothing worn by people of Mayan descent, especially here in Xela.

My view every morning before I enter my school.



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