The Rivas Juárez Family: Serving the Lord in English Guyana

Meet the Rivas Juárez family

Rivas Juarez Family photo


Ana Belén Juárez Richter de Rivas: August 31
Sofía Elizabeth Rivas Juárez: November 14
Víctor Manuel Rivas Salazar: April 5



Hello! My name is Víctor Manuel Rivas. My family and I are from Guatemala, and we have been part of the “Christ the King” Lutheran Church since 2016 as a family. Personally, I have attended the church since 1997, where I grew up and was confirmed in the “Christ the King” Lutheran Church in Guatemala City.

For five years, I served as a youth leader, one of the areas within the church that I enjoy the most. My wife, Ana Belén Juárez Richter, joined the church a year before we got married, supporting the music ministry during Sunday services and also serving as a youth leader within the church. In 2017, we were blessed with our daughter, Sofía Elizabeth, who accompanies us in all our church activities.

Much of our family life has been centered around congregational life, both in our local and national church in Guatemala. We have supported Vacation Bible Schools and Sunday School; individually, my wife teaches music classes in the Jubal group and plays during Sunday services, and she also engages in child evangelism in the villages. I have served in the church as part of the parish council and participated in organizing national youth conferences three times.

The words of Jesus motivate us to continue forward: “…Go and make disciples of all nations…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28:19-20), while also trusting in God’s promise, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you” (Psalm 32:8).

With this confidence, we pray that God blesses Guyana through His work in our lives.

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