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Become A Missionary

Can I do it?

All of us have doubts. Do I have what it takes to become a missionary? Where will I live? What will I eat? Can I learn a new language? Will I be lonely?

The life of a cross-cultural missionary is full of challenges, but what missionaries have learned over and over again is that our God is bigger than our doubts! ​If God is calling you to serve Him in another country, then you can be sure that He will not only go with you, but He will also go before you, leading you to the fulfillment of His purposes.

Whom shall I send?

When God asked that question, the prophet Isaiah answered, "Here am I. Send me!" (Is. 6:8). God uses all kinds of people from all walks of life as His missionaries. If you are ready to "test the waters", check out our list of service opportunities. OR, if God has placed a burden on your heart for a specific area of the world, then contact us and we will see where it leads!