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Request A Missionary

"Whom shall I send?"  ...  "Here am I, send me."

It is our sovreign God who has loved the world and given His only Son to bring salvation and the forgiveness of sins to all the world, and who continues to send workers into the harvest.  Perhaps you see the need but wonder where to find the missionary fit for the task.

A Lutheran mission director in South Africa,  Rev. Christoph Weber, stated that with the great mission task that our Lutheran churches face, he would see a role for GLO in helping to locate and match missionary candidates with mission outreach opportunities without being restricted to one's own local denomination.

Perhaps your church sees the need and wonders whom God shall send?  GLO is committed to offering the platform where potential Lutheran missionaries and prospective mission service opportunities can meet.  We know it is God's work and that he has entrusted this work to His Church. GLO is here to be of service to Lutheran churches so that many more missionaries can be called and sent.

If you would like to request a missionary

GLO provides the Missionary Service Invitation form to churches or mission agencies as the means for requesting a missionary.  

Missionary Service Invitation form (pdf)

Missionary Service Invitation form (Word doc fill-in form​)

Solicitud de Información (pdf)

Solicitud de Información (Word doc fill-in form)

Mission as global partnership

​With the growth and maturation of the Church around the world, the traditonal missionary model of missionaries being sent and supported solely from the West is coming to an end.  Such a model would deny other members of the Body of Christ the privilege of particpating in and supporting Gospel outreach with their gifts.

You will see that the Missionary Service Invitation form has a place for the church or mission who is requesting a missionary to specify the ways in which they will also contribute to the support of the missionary.  This type of support may include:

  • provision of a house or other living accommodations​
  • provision of a means of transportation
  • provision of language training
  • provision of a fellow worker to assist the missionary
  • etc.​