One body, many members . . . ONE MISSION
GLO does not try to duplicate what other mission organizations are doing.
Rather, we seek to work with and among them to multiply possibilities for deploying more and more missionaries, as the workers are so few.
Here are some links to other oranizations and churches who we are happy to be able to work with, whether formally or as fellow workers in global Gospel outreach.
Other mission organizations
- International Mission Society-Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (IMS-EECMY)
- Mission of Lutheran Churches-South Africa
Short-term missions
- MOST Ministries is an experienced mission sending agency recognized by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod that provides short-term mission trips for congregations, individuals and professional groups.
World Lutheran churches
- Iglesia Luterana Confesional de Chile (Confessional Lutheran Church of Chile)
- Iglesia Evangelica Luterana de Paraguay (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Paraguay)
- Lutheran Church of Nigeria (LCN)
- Lutheran Church in Southern Africa (LCSA)
- L’Eglise Evangélique Luthérienne de Guinée (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Guinea) (EELG)
- East of Lake Victoria Diocese - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELVD)
- Southeast of Lake Victoria Diocese - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (SELVD)
- Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) - USA
- Lutheran Churches in Mission for Christ (LCMC) - USA
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sudan/South Sudan (ELCS/SS)