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Support Your Missionary

What is your part?

Upholding - encouraging - partnering in the GospelIn a world where continued population growth means increasing millions are born and die outside the reach of those who give witness to Christ's salvation, sometimes we wonder, "What can I do?"
Though the task seems overwhelming, we remember it is God who is at work and who keeps sending forth his people.  But as members of the Body of Christ, you and I have our various parts to play as God is at work.  Are you the one to GO?  Or perhaps God is calling you to help others to go.  How can they go unless they are supported?

Form a Mission Circle and Adopt a Missionary!

A mission circle is a group of Christians who gather regularly to learn about mission from God's Word, pray for their missionary, and support both local and global missions through their offerings and actions. Mission circles are lay-led mission discovery and support groups. Each mission circle sets their own schedule and chooses their own missionary to adopt. 

Interested in forming a mission circle? Download your Leader's Guide here! 

  • Missionaries are sustained in their service by those who faithfully labor in prayer alongside the one who is sent.
  • Missionaries are also enabled to serve by those who employ their gifts in order to make the​ missionary service possible.

If you already know the GLO missionary you want to support, 
you can find them in the list HERE. Or just click on the GIVE emblem on this page and enter the missionary's name.

If you want to browse a list of missionaries,
 you can learn about them on the MEET OUR MISSIONARIES page.

When you choose a missionary to support, you have the chance to enroll in their mailing list in order to keep up-to-date on their work.

HIGHLIGHT: Some missionaries particularly needing your help ​

As GLO seeks to serve Lutheran missions by facilitating the sending of missionaries from anywhere in the world, the economic disparities between countries mean that capable and dedicated missionaries from poorer regions often need the support of brothers and sisters from wealthier regions. You can meet them by clicking on their names below and consider if God would have you become part of their support team. . . upholding, encouraging, and partnering in the Gospel!

Amos and Evelyn Otula, from Kenya have been invited to serve Sudanese refugees in the country of Uganda.

Chimah and Success Francis, from Nigeria, will join the Otulas in serving Sudanese refugees in Uganda.

Samuel and Mfon (Grace) Udofia, from Nigeria, have been invited to serve in Tanzania where Dr. Samuel will teach at the Bible college.

Víctor and Belén Rivas, from Guatemala, have accepted the invitation to serve in Guyana (S. America) as educator/evangelists.​

Adrián and Cruz María Ventura, from Venezuela, are serving in Santiago, Chile.