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Prayer Page

"Pray also for us...

...that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ."
                 -missionary Paul, Col. 4:3 

Missionary Prayer Requests

Alex and Diana Family: serving in a restricted access country

Alex and Diana's prayer page

David and Luz María Ernst: serving in Venezuela

David and Luz Maria's prayer page

Shary Frahm: serving in Cambodia

Shary's Prayer Page

Chimah and Success Francis: serving in Uganda

Chimah and Success' prayer page

Brent and Eugenie Friedrichs: serving in Nigeria

Brent and Eugenie's Prayer Page

Dixon and Christiana Gbeanquoi: serving in Tanzania

Dixon & Christiana's Prayer Page

Tim and Beth Heiney: serving in Guinea

Tim and Beth's Prayer Page

Amos and Evelyn Otula: serving in Uganda

Otula's prayer page

Víctor and Belén Rivas: serving in Guyana

Rivas' prayer page

Joe and Viya Stoltenow: serving in Cambodia

Joe and Viya's prayer page

Dale and Cheryl Talsma: serving in Nigeria

Dale and Cheryl's Prayer Page

Jim and Liisa Tino: serving the Lord globally

Jim and Liisa's Prayer Page

Benjamin and Scarlett Tino: serving in Guatemala

Ben and Scarlett Tino's prayer page

Samuel and Mfon (Grace) Udofia: preparing for service in Tanzania

Samuel and Mfon's prayer page

Adrián and Cruz María Ventura: serving in Chile

Adrián and Cruz María's prayer page