- Mega Menu
What is Global Lutheran Outreach?
We would like to get to know you, and for you to get to know us! Click on any of the links to learn more about Global Lutheran Outreach. If you have a specific question that is not answered, feel free to email us any time!
- Services
Can you imagine?
Can you imagine what it would be like if there were one place where Lutheran churches around the world could find a missionary, request a missionary, or discover the place where God is calling them to serve? With your help, we can make it happen!
- Missionary Directory
- Missionary Alumni
- Paul and Barbara Brink
- David and Luz Maria Ernst
- Alex and Diana Family
- George and Shary Frahm
- Chimah and Success Francis
- Brent and Eugenie Friedrichs
- Dixon & Christiana Gbeanquoi
- Tim and Beth Heiney
- Cheryl Kruckemeyer
- Steven Massey
- Amos and Evelyn Otula
- Heather and Nathan Pittman
- Victor and Belén Rivas
- Joe and Viya Stoltenow
- Dale and Cheryl Talsma
- Benjamin Tino
- Jim and Liisa Tino
- Lumembo and Kalangu Tshiswaka
- Samuel and Mfon (Grace) Udofia
- Adrian & Cruz Maria Ventura
- Joshua Wareham
Did you know?
Did you know that missionaries are people just like you? Browse around a little and get to know some of our missionaries! Pray for them, love them, and support them. And if God is calling you to be a missionary, take a look at our missionary opportunities!
Serving in Many Ways!
God’s Church is worldwide, and God’s resources are spread throughout His Church! Sometimes God’s people in one country have just what is needed by God’s people in another country. GLO projects are connected to the places where GLO missionaries live and serve. All projects of Global Lutheran Outreach are sponsored by a GLO missionary or board member. Global Lutheran Outreach does not support free-standing projects.
No safety nets!
All of our missionaries are “faith funded”. This means that they depend entirely on God for their support - there is no big bank account someplace that pays the bills. God works through people like you and me, moving us with His passion to “seek and to save the lost”. Listen as the Spirit speaks to you, and generously support our missionaries!
Support the Mission of Global Lutheran Outreach
Make a Donation From Outside the United States
Click on this button to make a donation using our secure payment gateway and your International credit or debit card. (Where a “zip code” is requested, use the numbers 99999.) NOTE: This may not work in all countries! If not, use the next option.
IF THE PREVIOUS BUTTON DOES NOT WORK IN YOUR COUNTRY, you can still use your credit or debit card to support a missionary by using our secure International Card Authorization form. (NOTE: Save this file to your
computer. Then open it with Word or WordPad. Mac users can either use Word or TextEdit. Please follow the instructions at the bottom of the form.)